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  • Nobel Prize Foundation
  1. 他非常非常自豪的成就为诺贝尔基金会的荣誉了。

    He is very very proud of his achievements for which the Nobel Foundation honours him .

  2. 诺贝尔基金会主席卡尔·亨瑞克·海尔丁教授对当前世界的发展表示担忧。

    Professor Carl-Henrik Heldin , Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation said that he is worried about the current world .

  3. 同样地,如果在一个限定的日期之前有个奖项一直都拒绝或不被接受,那么诺贝尔基金会将保留奖金并代为托管。

    Likewise , if a prize is declined or not accepted before a specified date , the Nobel Foundation retains the prize money in its trust .

  4. 与其他许多基金和公共退休金一样,诺贝尔基金会发现,如今的投资市场,利率已经创下历史新低,同时股票市场也在剧烈震荡。

    And like many endowments and public pensions , the foundation finds itself adjusting to a period of record-low interest rates and a volatile stock market .

  5. 自从几周前获奖消息发布后,我们由感觉些许不可思议转变为相信,因为诺贝尔基金会和精典学院字里行间都表现出神奇的力量,以友好的方式证明了自己。

    The slightly incredible condition we have lived in since the news of the prizes was announced a couple of weeks ago has now been rendered credible . The mysterious powers represented by the words Nobel Foundation and Swedish Academy have manifested themselves in friendly human form .

  6. 本周早些时候,负责颁发诺贝尔奖的诺贝尔基金会宣布削减现金奖励数额。

    Earlier this week , the Nobel Foundation , which awards the Nobel Prize , announced it was reducing its cash prizes .