
  • 网络Norrie;NORI;NOURI;M.nori
  1. 背景:诺里病(NorrieDisease,ND)是一种罕见的由于神经视网膜退行性和增生性改变导致先天或早发性双目失明,呈X染色体连锁隐性遗传。

    Background : Norrie disease ( ND ) is an X-linked recessive disorder characterized by very early childhood blindness due to degenerative and proliferative changes of the neuroretina .

  2. 当时,诺里说,知道这一决定后感到像在社会归属上被除名了。

    At the time , Norrie said the decision felt like being socially assassinated .

  3. 多明尼加修道会被教宗何诺里三世所认可。

    The Dominican order was sanctioned by Pope honorius III.

  4. 当时,诺里说,知道这一决定后感到像“在社会归属上被除名了”。

    At the time , Norrie said the decision felt like being " socially assassinated . "

  5. 去年诺里告诉法新社记者,大多数人可以接受非确定性这一性类别。

    Norrie told AFP last year that most people did not have a problem accepting a non-specific sex category .

  6. 这个神秘的灰色飞行物于上周日下午5点半在位于布里斯托尔的诺里居民区上空滑行,没有发出任何声音。

    The mysterious grey object glided around the residential area of Knowle , Bristol , at5.30pm on Sunday without making a sound .

  7. 人类的生育需求,势必让安提诺里的候诊室充满人潮,并让复制婴儿的议题持久不衰。

    The human imperative to procreate is sure to keep Antinori 's waiting room filled & and cloned babies on the agenda .

  8. 近三十年来,人们越来越重视槐属植物中药所含有的喹诺里西啶类生物碱抗肿瘤作用研究。

    In recent thirty years , the quinolizidine alkaloids isolated from Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) genus Sophora have received more attention .

  9. 诺里只有一个名字没有姓氏,她出生时是男性,但后来于1989年接受了变性手术成为一名女性。

    Norrie , who uses only a single name , was born male and underwent gender reassignment surgery in 1989 to become a woman .

  10. 案件主角叫诺里,是一个不认同自己为男性或女性的人,并为中性人这一范畴的存在而上诉。

    The case centred on a person called Norrie who does not identify as either male or female who fought a legal battle for a new gender-neutral category .

  11. 诺里的性别仍然是模棱两可的,所以将她登记为男性或女性其实都是错误的,判决写道。

    Norrie 's sex remained ambiguous so that it would be to record misinformation in the register to classify her as male or female , the judgment said .

  12. 该组织表示我们希望媒体能够尊重两性和变性身份之间的差异,并确定诺里的性别为‘非确定性’。

    We hope that the media will respect the difference between intersex and transgender identities , and identify Norrie 's gender as ' non-specific ' , it said .

  13. 但变性手术没能让出生于苏格兰的诺里明确自己的性别,这促使他/她呼吁承认一种新的,非传统的性别。

    But the surgery failed to resolve Scottish-born Norrie 's ambiguity about their sexual identity , prompting a push for the recognition of a new , non-traditional gender .

  14. 诺里的律师在法庭上声称,每次填写表格发现只有两种性别选择时,诺里都有一种被迫活在谎言里的感觉。

    Norrie 's lawyers argued in court that the activist was being forced to live a lie every time their client filled out a document that listed only two options for gender .

  15. 这引发了诺里后来的一系列上诉,最终新南威尔士州上诉法院于去年承认诺里为中性人,周三高等法院也再次确定了这一决定。

    That sparked a series of appeals which resulted in the NSW Court of Appeal recognising Norrie as gender neutral last year , a decision which the High Court backed on Wednesday .

  16. 诺里曾向新南威尔士州主管出生死亡和婚姻的有关部门提出申请,要求以自己为考量接受非特异性的存在,并因此于2010年2月登上全球新闻的头条。

    The campaigner made global headlines in February 2010 when an application to the NSW Department of Births , Deaths and Marriages accepted that sex non-specific could be accepted for Norrie 's records .

  17. 诺里的律师在法庭上声称,每次填写表格发现只有两种性别选择时,诺里都有一种“被迫活在谎言”里的感觉。

    Norrie 's lawyers argued in court that the activist was " being forced to live a lie " every time their client filled out a document that listed only two options for gender .

  18. 诺里曾向新南威尔士州主管出生死亡和婚姻的有关部门提出申请,要求以自己为考量接受“非特异性”的存在,并因此于2010年2月登上全球新闻的头条。

    The campaigner made global headlines in February 2010 when an application to the NSW Department of Births , Deaths and Marriages accepted that " sex non-specific " could be accepted for Norrie 's records .

  19. 该病以先天性白内障和视网膜出血为主要临床特征,患者以男性为主,约有1/3诺里病患者有感音神经性耳聋,大约50%的患者会出现智力低下和精神行为异常。

    The main clinical features of the disease are congenital cataract and retinal hemorrhage . About one third of patients with Norrie disease develop sensorineural deafness , and approximately one half of the affected individuals show some form of progressive mental retardation , often with psychotic features .

  20. 我们住在加利福利亚州南部一个叫做圣马瑞诺的小镇里。

    We live in a small town in Southern California called San marino .

  21. 你已经发现了诺氏集团里你爸爸的一个秘密线人

    You 've already uncovered one of your father 's secret assets in Nolcorp .