
  • 网络Sayar
  1. 临近新的听证时,萨亚尔获得保释。

    Sajal was released on bail pending his new hearing .

  2. 他们说这是为萨亚尔在家里所受到的虐待报仇。

    They said it was an act of revenge for the abuse Sajal suffered at home .

  3. 朋友们走后,萨亚尔整晚都待在家里,独自和他被肢解的家人在一起。

    After his friends left , Sajal stayed at home all night , alone with his mutilated family .

  4. 2001年,萨亚尔通过装病成功越狱。直到2003年,他实行抢劫,才又重新被捕。

    Sajal managed to escape prison by faking an illness in 2001 , and was only apprehended again in 2003 after committing a robbery .

  5. 萨亚尔说,格雷菲勒女伯爵会“对设计师们说,‘好的,给我看看你的整个系列——现在忘了这个系列,做点别的’”。

    The Comtesse de Greffulhe would " say to designers , ' O.K. , show me your whole collection - and now forget that , and do something else , " " Mr. Saillard said .

  6. 萨亚尔说,这些礼服“不仅是关于时尚,而且是关于一个用自己的衣橱塑造身份的女人”,她不仅想塑造同龄人的审美品位,而且想塑造他们的文化和政治价值观。

    Together the gowns are " about more than fashion , " Mr. Saillard said . " They are about a woman who built her own wardrobe to create an identity , " one that involved shaping not only the aesthetic tastes of her peers , but also their cultural and political values .