
  • 网络Riche;David Koresh;Harish;Chris Gerrish
  1. tatasons执行董事戈r帕拉克里什南(r.gopalakrishnan)认为,部分原因在于,我们将运气作为单一的现象来对待。

    R. Gopalakrishnan , executive director of tata sons , thinks part of the problem lies in the fact that we treat luck as a single phenomenon .

  2. 我早就知道,你是阿奇-里什。

    There you are . I knew it ! You 're Archie leash .

  3. “我们的目标是跻身全球顶级大学前10位,”该项目负责人埃尔韦-勒-里什说。

    " Our goal is to rankamong the top10 universities in the world ," said Herve Le Riche , who heads the project .

  4. 这支新军还囊括了许多其他力量:转变立场的新保守主义者(如弗朗西斯•福山),法学学者(如道格拉斯•克密科)以及保守派脱口秀主持人(如迈克尔•史默克里什)。

    But the army has many other brigades , too : repentant neocons such as Francis Fukuyama , legal scholars such as Douglas Kmiec , and conservative talk-show hosts such as Michael Smerconish .

  5. 第比利斯欧洲一体化论坛主席索索.齐斯卡里什维利同意梅利尼克的看法。但是他表示,乌克兰在加入北约所要达到的民主标准方面,比格鲁吉亚做得要好。

    The chairman of the European Integration Forum in Tbilisi , Soso Tsiskarishvili , agrees with Melnyk 's assessment , but notes Ukraine is better prepared to meets NATO 's democratic standards for membership than Georgia .

  6. 两年后这两个三岁大的家伙重逢,度过了一个无比愉悦的下午:一起爬树、荡秋千,艾米莉骑着三轮车载上“里什”四处游逛,不时停下来相互拥抱一下。

    So when the pair were reunited two years later , the three-year-olds spent a blissful afternoon climbing , swinging from rings and tyres , pedalling around on a plastic tricycle and sometimes pausing for a hug 。

  7. 据了解,艾米丽和“里什”的初次见面追溯到2008年,当时她的摄影师父亲要到美国佛罗里达州的“濒危和稀有动物保护组织”给那里的动物拍照片,并带上了女儿同去。

    Rishi 's first day of play with Emily came in2008 when her father Barry , a photographer , had an assignment at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species ( TIGERS ) and took her along .