
  • 网络Italian riviera;the Riviera;French Riviera
  1. 出租车在里维埃拉俱乐部门口停了下来。

    The taxi drew up in front of the Riviera Club

  2. 她在里维埃拉一路品尝着美食。

    She is sampling gastronomic delights along the Riviera .

  3. 据信她在法国里维埃拉去世时几乎身无分文。

    She was believed to have died in near poverty on the French Riviera .

  4. 猛烈的暴风雨给法国里维埃拉地区造成了极大的破坏,致使三人死亡,数十人受伤。

    Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera , leaving three people dead and dozens injured

  5. 现在想像您自己处在意大利里维埃拉的一个中世纪的小镇,周围是SouthernMaritime阿尔卑斯的青山环绕,离法国尼斯不远。

    Now imagine yourself in a medieval town nestled in the lush folds of the Southern Maritime Alps , not too far from Nice , France , in the Italian Riviera .

  6. 萨默塞特•毛姆(SomersetMaugham)曾形容法国里维埃拉(FrenchRivier)为“阴暗人物的阳光之地”。环视着酒店大堂里的“模特”,带着黑超的男人们似乎与他们相识,我似乎理解了毛姆。

    It was Somerset Maugham who said the French Riviera is " a sunny place for shady people " - and looking around at all the ' models ' in the hotel lobbies and the men in dark sunglasses who seemed to know them , I knew what he meant .

  7. 来自全世界各地的抗议者来到法国里维埃拉G20会址附近,EranHakim从以色列来到这里,他谴责领导人们造成了世界发展不平衡。

    Protesters came from around the world to demonstrate near the G20 meeting on the French Riviera . Eran Hakim flew in from Israel . He blamed the leaders for the growing inequalities in the world . going higher and higher inside countries and between countries . They are managing it , they 're responsible .

  8. 周六这天,他们搭乘法国高速TVG列车到里维埃拉,到坎城和摩纳哥定下的79家五星级酒店的4760间套房休息,又在当天上午专为他们开放的老佛爷百货购物。

    On Saturday , the visitors jumped aboard France 's high-speed TGV trains and headed to the French Riviera to relax in one of the 4760 rooms reserved at 79 hotels in Cannes and Monaco . They spent the morning shopping at the Galeries Lafayette , which had been opened exclusively for Tien employees .

  9. 里维埃拉是一个深受欢迎的旅游胜地。

    The Riviera contains some of europe 's most popular resorts .

  10. 里维埃拉饭店为你提供现代澳大利亚美食,并附有精品酒单。

    The Restaurant provides modern Australian cuisine with a boutique wine list .

  11. 她移居到里维埃拉的法属部分以便与志趣更相投的人们交往。

    She moved to the French Riviera to be in more congenial company .

  12. 我只知道里维埃拉。

    I 've never been further than the riviera .

  13. 现场零售商店出售一系列的具有里维埃拉味的品牌时装和船用设备。

    An on-site retail store selling a range of Riviera branded fashion and boating accessories .

  14. 我却忘不了我在里维埃拉的阳光下读到这篇演说时所受到的感动。

    I remember being stirred by this speech when I read it in Riviera sunshine .

  15. 我们在里维埃拉过冬。

    We wintered on the Riviera .

  16. 法国的里维埃拉被拥有土地的英国绅士阶层建成了一个颇受人们欢迎的度假胜地。

    The French Riviera was made into a popular holiday resort by the British landed gentry .

  17. 坐落于意大利的里维埃拉,波图科萨多么美丽而充满生气啊。

    You are looking live at beautiful Porto Corsa , Italy , on the Italian Riviera .

  18. 法国东南部城市,在地中海沿岸;法国里维埃拉的主要的旅游城市。

    A city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean ; the leading resort on the French Riviera .

  19. 里维埃拉国际幽默片电影节

    Riviera International Humour Film Festival

  20. 法国里维埃拉的一个港口城市和旅游胜地;是举行一年一度国际电影节的地方。

    A port and resort city on the French Riviera ; site of an annual film festival .

  21. 又一次,灵感,加上里维埃拉神奇的阳光拯救了他。

    Once more the muse , and the magical light of the Riviera , came to his rescue .

  22. 的确,一场迷雾带给伦敦人的变化非常之大,比起去里维埃拉避雾度假所带来的变化都要大。

    Yes , a fog gives Londoners a more thorough change than going to the Riviera to avoid it .

  23. 这场名为“亚历克斯”的风暴摧毁了法国里维埃拉尼斯市周围的几个村庄。

    The storm , dubbed Alex , ravaged several villages around the city of Nice on the French Riviera .

  24. 有位在里维埃拉度假的医生碰上一位律师朋友,就问他怎么会来这儿。

    A doctor vacationing on the Riviera met a lawyer friend and asked him what he was doing there .

  25. 法国香水业的中心是法国里维埃拉地区的小城格拉斯。

    The heart of the French perfume industry lies in Grasse , a small city on the French Riviera .

  26. 在被灰烬掩没之前,古时候的意大利城市庞培相当于现在的法国里维埃拉。

    Before it got buried under a cloud of ash , Pompeii was the ancient equivalent of the French Riviera .

  27. 里维埃拉电子销售的所有的电子设备以里维埃拉海洋销售网络和售后服务为后盾的。

    All electronic equipment sold by R Electronics is backed by the R Marine distribution network and after sales services .

  28. 法国摄影师莱昂纳尔·西赫农在著名旅游胜地里维埃拉拍摄到了彩虹尽头的神奇景象。

    Lionel Cironneau , a French photographer snapped the end of a rainbow in the Rivera resort of Nice , France .

  29. 摩纳哥地处法国里维埃拉,是地中海的一个城邦国家,它也是世界第二小的国家。

    Monaco , the second smallest country in the world , is a tiny Mediterranean principality located on the French Riviera .

  30. 里维埃拉近期巩固了其承包商库,以便提高效率,降低运营成本。

    Riviera has recently consolidated its sub-contractor base in order to realise better efficiencies and reduce operational costs in-line with current volumes .