
Yà zhōu rén
  • Asian
  1. 《尚气与十环传奇》是漫威第一部由亚洲人领衔主演的超级英雄大片,包括奥卡菲娜、杨紫琼、梁朝伟、刘思慕在内的所有主要演员都是亚洲人或亚裔。

    Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is the first of Marvel 's superhero blockbusters to have an Asian lead character , and all of its main actors – including Awkwafina , Michelle Yeoh , Tony Leung , and Simu Liu as Shang-Chi himself – are Asian or of Asian descent .

  2. 乍一看,《开往克里斯特尔城的火车》(TheTraintoCrystalCity)似乎同样讲述了这个故事,因为封面上的人物是亚洲人,有些正被送往别处。

    At first glance , The Train to Crystal City appears to be about some version of that story , since the people depicted on its cover are Asian and some are being transported somewhere .

  3. Asianglow指一些亚洲人在饮酒时,面部或身体皮肤发红的情况。

    Asian glow refers to redness on the face or body experienced by some Asian people when consuming alcohol .

  4. 换言之,亚洲人在较低的BMI值时倾向有更多的内脏脂肪。

    In other words , Asians tend to have more visceral fat at lower BMI values .

  5. Q开关紫翠玉激光和强脉冲光治疗亚洲人雀斑和痣的疗效比较:一项随机、医生单盲、左右面部比较研究

    A comparison of Q-switched alexandrite laser and intense pulsed light for the treatment of freckles and lentigines in Asian persons : A randomized , physician-blinded , split-face comparative trial

  6. 旧金山三分之二的H.I.V.感染者是白人或亚洲人。

    Two-thirds of San Francisco 's infected are white or Asian ;

  7. 富达国际投资(FidelityWorldwideInvestment)新近进行的一项调查显示,大多数亚洲人感觉自己比真实情况更为贫穷,并且预计收入不平等现象将在未来10年变得更加严重。

    Most Asians feel as though they 're poorer than they really are and expect income inequality to climb over the next decade , according to a new survey by Fidelity Worldwide Investment .

  8. 更多亚裔美国演员在饰演名叫希瑟(Heather)或克莱尔(Claire)这样的人物,剧本中没有明确说明这些人物是亚洲人。

    More Asian-Americans have also been creating characters named Heather and Claire who were not written specifically as Asian .

  9. 当时国际货币基金组织(IMF)和西方政策的失败坚定了亚洲人的决心:他们必须创立自己的安全机制来应对经济衰退。

    The failure of the International Monetary Fund and western policies then confirmed in Asian minds that they had to create their own safety mechanisms for economic downturns .

  10. 在2006年因同性恋牛仔的电影《断背山》,他成为第一个获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的亚洲人,七年后他带着3D奇幻电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》再次获得该奖。

    He was the first Asian ever to win an Oscar for directing , in 2006 for the gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain . Seven years later he has done it again with 3D fantasy Life of Pi .

  11. 举例而言,像艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)这样的智者,居然会相信不需要对衍生品交易员施行任何监管,这令许多亚洲人感到困惑不解。

    For example , many Asians are genuinely bewildered that a great mind such as Alan Greenspan could believe that derivative traders did not need any regulation .

  12. 埃德温杜鲁门(edwintruman)(嘉宾):对于亚洲人从金融危机中学到了什么教训,沃尔夫和鲁比尼的总结确实含有大量有益的分析。

    Edwin Truman ( guest ) : The Wolf / Roubini lessons Asians learnt from their financial crisis contains a lot of useful analysis .

  13. 他们采用同样的方法解读出了与铲状门牙和干性耳垢相关的多个SNP,这两个性状在现代亚洲人和美洲土著中十分普遍。

    The same method was used to read SNPs linked to shovel-shaped front teeth and a dry type of earwax , both common traits in modern Asians and Navive Americans .

  14. 正如作家米娜·凯姆斯(MinaKimes)在推特上所说,这些玩笑“也许不会显得那么刺耳,如果今晚的舞台上有更多亚洲人。”

    As the writer Mina Kimes noted on Twitter , the joke " would 've stung less if there were more Asians on stage tonight . "

  15. 桃子与百合网店的另一位创始人艾莉西娅·尹(AliciaYoon)说,该网店的大部分顾客不是亚洲人,而且销量几乎在逐月翻倍。

    Alicia Yoon , the other founder of Peach and Lily , reported that most of its customers are non-Asian and that , month to month , its sales nearly double .

  16. 就收费走低的压力的问题,Childs先生缓缓地说:“亚洲人是很谨慎的买家。”随后他坚持,在亚洲他的公司没有定价方面的困扰。

    As for downward pressure on fees , Mr Childs says , slowly , " They are very careful buyers ... in Asia , " before insisting that his firm has no trouble with pricing there .

  17. 上海地区汉族游泳运动员、我国优秀皮划艇运动员以及中国不同地区汉族人与亚洲人mtDNA的多态性无明显差异(P>0.05),但与欧美和非洲人群均存在明显差异(P<0.05~0.001)。

    The mtDNA polymorphism in Chinese swimmers and elite canoeists , as well as in non-athletes from different areas of China was not obviously different from other Asian populations , but significantly different from Euro-Americans and African populations ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.001 ) .

  18. TariqJahan:“主要是,我失去了儿子。黑人,亚洲人,白人,我们都居住在同一个社区。为什么要互相残杀?到底是什么引发了暴动,又是什么使暴动升级?他们为什么这么做?”

    TARIQ JAHAN : " Basically , I lost my son . Blacks , Asians , whites -- we all live in the same community . Why do we have to kill one another ? What started these riots , and what 's escalated ? Why are we doing this ? "

  19. 根据2006年牛津大学KathrynGraddy对纽约Fulton海鲜市场的研究,跟白人相比,卖家经常以更低的价格卖给亚洲人。因为经验显示亚洲人更容易对高价产生反感,而且更愿意很快地联合起来抵制奸商。

    In a 2006 study of Fulton fish market in New York , Kathryn Graddy of Oxford University found that dealers regularly charged Asian buyers less than whites because the Asians had proved , over time , more willing to reject high prices , and readier to band together to boycott dealers who ripped them off .

  20. 从她的外观,我可以猜到她是亚洲人。

    From her appearance , I would guess she is Asian .

  21. 我告诉你们的亚洲人晚会。

    I 'm telling you , hit up the Asian party .

  22. 那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。

    That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese .

  23. 有人说过你可以装亚洲人吗?

    Anyone ever tell you that you could pass for asian ?

  24. 亚洲人的过度节约给盎格鲁撒克逊人创造了肆意挥霍的可能性。

    The Asians ' parsimony made the Anglo-Saxons ' profligacy possible .

  25. 亚洲人能否替代美国人成为全球增长的驱动力?

    Can Asians replace Americans as a driver of global growth ?

  26. 为什么大家都对一个亚洲人做的雕像这么有意见?

    Why is everybody mad about an Asian doing the sculpture ?

  27. 您能说一下亚洲人与糖尿病的遗传学联系吗?

    Could you elucidate on the Asian genetic link with diabetes ?

  28. 你去的每个地方,都会是这个亚洲人的夜晚。

    Everywhere you went , there would be this Asian night .

  29. 美国人看不到,也不了解的亚洲人。

    That Americans certainly don 't see and don 't understand .

  30. 与此同时,欧洲人和亚洲人自满得令人难以置信。

    The Europeans and Asians , meanwhile , are unbelievably complacent .