
  • 网络Amazon China;;
  1. 在亚马逊中国负责Kindle内容产品管理的顾凡表示,该项服务的目标是为中国客户提供更灵活的方式来阅读以及培育中国初生的电子书市场。

    The service is aimed to provide Chinese customers a more flexible way to read and to foster China 's nascent e-book market , said Gu Fan , the head of Kindle content product management at Amazon China .

  2. 亚马逊中国换帅带来的经营模式之变

    Business Pattern Changes Brought About by the New CEO of Amazon China

  3. 艾瑞咨询集团(iResearchConsultingGroup)提供的数据显示,10年之后,亚马逊中国的业务在网络购物市场中所占的份额不到2%。

    A decade later , Amazon 's China operation has less than 2 percent of the online shopping market , according to iResearch Consulting .

  4. 亚马逊中国主管BruceAtiken表示,最新数据表明中国人的阅读量在逐步增加。

    Bruce Aitken , a general manager at Amazon in China , said the latest figures suggest reading has more and more among the Chinese people .

  5. 该结果与亚马逊中国的一项调查结果相吻合。亚马逊中国副总裁石建军表示,历史类和经济类书籍是最畅销的书籍种类。

    These findings coincide with others from , whose vice president Shi Jianjun said history and economic books were the favored books .

  6. 在线零售商亚马逊中国近日发布了年度最浪漫城市排行榜,河南省郑州市成为了2015年中国最浪漫的城市。

    Online retailer Amazon China unveiled its annual list of most romantic cities , with Zhengzhou in Henan Province declared the most romantic Chinese city of 2015 .

  7. 亚马逊中国的销量数据还显示出,育儿和教辅类图书,特别是适合0-6岁的孩子,在“80后”读者所购书籍中占有很大的比例。 sales also reveal parenting and tutorial books , especially those for kids aged 0-6 years , account for a large portion of the books purchased by post-80s readers .

  8. 亚马逊中国近日进行的一项调查显示,安徽省省会合肥的居民是中国最爱读书的人群。

    People in Hefei , capital of China 's Anhui province , have been found to be the country 's most voracious readers , a recent survey conducted by Amazon China revealed .

  9. 卡普说,6月10日这本书在美国发行的当日,其英文版在亚马逊中国被撤下,基本上阻止了该书在中国的广泛分销。

    The English version of the book was delisted from Amazon China on June 10 , the day of publication in the United States , a move that effectively barred wide distribution in China , Mr. Karp said .

  10. 在确定指标权重后,以京东商城和亚马逊中国作为案例分析,通过模糊综合评价法计算消费者对这两个网站物流配送的满意值,进行对比分析。

    According to the index weights and making Jingdong mall and Amazon China as the cases , the thesis calculates the value of the consumer satisfaction to the logistics distribution of the two sites by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation ( FCE ), and makes a comparative analysis .

  11. 亚马逊正在中国招聘包括互联网软件工程师和Alexa设计师在内的数百个职位,以此来收复其被阿里巴巴在世界上最大的在线购物市场上蚕食的部分份额。 is hiring by the hundreds in China to fill jobs ranging from internet software engineers to designers for Alexa , positioning the company to recoup some of the market share it lost to Alibaba in the world 's largest online shopping arena .

  12. 亚马逊在中国的市场份额在持续萎缩。

    Amazon 's market share in China continues to shrink .

  13. 亚马逊在中国市场是个小玩家。

    Amazon is a bit player in China .

  14. 发售日期是7月13号,发售地点是天猫商城(亚马逊在中国的对等物)。

    It 's set for release in July 13th via China 's Amazon equivalent , Tmall .

  15. 亚马逊(中国)公司称,中国消费者可以在这6个海外网络平台上的8000万商品中进行选择。

    According to Amazon China , customers from China can choose from around 80 million items on the six overseas platforms .

  16. 小米的努力扩张使它与大规模在线零售商结合更紧密,诸如受益于消费者网上购物的亚马逊或是中国的阿里巴巴。

    Xiaomi 's push to broaden itself puts it more inline with massive online retailers such as Amazon or China 's Alibaba , which have benefited from consumers ' increasing comfort with making purchases over the Internet .

  17. Anytime的上述功能表明亚马逊想要通过效仿中国的微信来获得成功,后者拥有8.5亿的活跃用户,他们的大部分行为都是通过微信实现的。

    All of these features in a single app appears to suggest that Amazon want to replicate the success of WeChat in China , where more than 850m active monthly users complete most of their online activities through the app .

  18. 而在亚马逊上搜索“中国零食”,弹出的第一项结果就是辣条,每包售价12.99美元。

    Searching " Chinese snacks " on , latiao is the first item to pop up , with each packet priced at 12.99 dollars .

  19. 亚马逊在加拿大、中国、日本、英国、德国和法国有网站运营,还向从其他国家提交订单的顾客提供以当地货币支付的功能。

    Amazon operates websites in Canada , China , Japan , the UK , Germany and France , and offers customers ordering from other countries the ability to pay for purchases in their own currencies .