
  • 网络subalpine meadow soil;Typic subalpine meadow soil
  1. 亚高山草甸土的土壤有机碳储量最多,为2660.22万吨。

    Subalpine meadow soil organic carbon storage in the soil the most , 26,602,200 tons .

  2. 长期定位连施化肥的增产培肥效应研究亚高山草甸土青稞肥料效应与优化施肥研究

    Effect of long-term located continuous fertilizer application on yield increasing and soil fertility developing

  3. 超高硝酸铵负载凝胶态缓释肥的节肥节水效应亚高山草甸土青稞肥料效应与优化施肥研究

    The Effect of Superhigh Ammonium Nitrate Loading Gel-State Slow Release Fertilizer on Fertilizer and Water Saving

  4. 亚高山草甸土青稞肥料效应与优化施肥研究不同施肥模式下潮棕壤微量元素含量及其变化状况

    Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Contents and Changes of Trace Elements in Aquic Brown Soil

  5. 亚高山草甸土纤维素分解过程及与环境因子的对应关系

    Decomposition process of cellulose in sub-high mountainous meadow soil and effects of climatic factors on the decomposition

  6. 单位土壤水文效应亚高山灌丛草甸土>山地森林灰褐土>山地栗钙土;

    Hydrology effect of soil unit depth was sub-alpine shrub meadow soil > forest gray-brown soil > chestnut soil ;