
  • 网络ART THEATER;art theatre;The Glowers Drama Group;Puppetry Arts Theatre
  1. 戏剧表演或舞台艺术小剧场戏剧&拓展话剧的艺术空间

    Theatrical arts or performances . Small Theater Drama & Expending Artistic Space for Stage Plays

  2. 但仔细想想的话,你论文主要写的是戏剧艺术,剧场以及剧场的本质,是吧?

    But think about it , you are writing about dramatic arts , the theater , and that 's the nature of theater , isn 't it ?

  3. 今年三月十四日(星期日)晚间八点,定居新加坡的中国艺术家们将在南洋艺术学院剧场呈现一场钢琴伴唱《红灯记》赏析音乐会。

    Piano Accompaniment to The Red Lantern is a Chinese music appreciation concert organised by a group of Chinese immigrants under the auspices of the Singapore Chinese Opera Museum .

  4. 苏州科技文化艺术中心大剧场的建筑声学设计

    The Architectural Acoustic Design for the Grand Theatre of Suzhou Technique Center

  5. 早在1970年代,欧洲就已产生一种不同于以往艺术形式的剧场游戏,由此产生了“身体剧场”这一全新艺术概念。

    In the1970s , Europe had already produced a kind of new artistic form of theatrical game , and from this came " Dance theater " as a completely new artistic concept .

  6. 进入现代认识型后,艺术家和理论家大多抱有借助于悲剧艺术尤其是剧场艺术来实现民族和个人梦想,它不仅得以充分的认识和评价,甚至有些矫枉过正。

    After entering modern episteme , most arists and theorists cherish to achieve national and personal dreams by tragedy art especially theatre arts , therefore tragedy performance gain full of understanding and evaluation , and even some overkill .

  7. 他拥有马里兰杰出艺术学者项目的剧场表演和艺术行政管理两个学位。

    Adam currently holds two degrees in Theatre Performance and Arts Administration which he earned through the Maryland Distinguished Arts Scholars Program .

  8. 艺术形式有很多种,包括视觉艺术,表演剧场,多媒体,音乐,文学和电影。

    A range of art forms will be incorporated , including visual arts , performance theatre , multimedia , music , literature and film .

  9. 乔非还建立了以其意大利籍曾祖母命名的mariamazzone艺术中心,可用于古典音乐、视觉艺术、小剧场制作的展览或演出,亦可接待来访的艺术家和学者。

    And Cioffi has also established a cultural hub , the Maria Mazzone Centre for the arts , named after his Italian great-grandmother , a place for classical music , visual arts , small theatre productions and visiting artists and scholars .