
  • 网络Art & Design Research
  1. 城市轨道交通站场环境艺术设计研究

    Urban Rail Transportation Station Space Environment Art Design Research

  2. 展示空间艺术设计研究

    Space of Display Art Design Research

  3. 旧城区改造中的街道公共设施的艺术设计研究

    Problems on Art Designing of Street Public Facilities in Old City Transformation

  4. 城市景观艺术设计研究的主要内容及其意义

    Central Content and Significance About City Landscape Art Research

  5. 图书馆建筑的环境与艺术设计研究

    The Research of Environmental Art Design of Library Architecture

  6. 现代休闲鞋艺术设计研究

    The Designing Rheology and Study of Leisure Shoes

  7. 数码插画艺术设计研究

    Studies on Art Design of Digital Illustration

  8. 中国风酒包装艺术设计研究

    Chinese style art design of spirit packing

  9. 作者系统梳理了广州园林发展的历史脉络,旨在为今天的城市环境艺术设计研究之用。

    The historical context of development of Guangzhou gardens and landscape is combed for the purpose of applying to studies in environmental design today .

  10. 市政设施环境艺术小品设计研究

    Study on the Design of Environmental Art Facility for the City

  11. 艺术设计思维研究;

    The study on the thought of artistic design ;

  12. 基于知觉心理学的艺术设计基础研究

    A Basic Study of Cognitive Psychology - based Design

  13. 生态城市规划中环境艺术设计的研究

    The Research on Environment Artistic Design in Eco-city Planning

  14. 接下来阐述了环境艺术设计的研究现状、发展前景、存在的问题。

    Then it elaborates on environmental design research status , prospects , problems .

  15. 艺术设计类研究生论文写作与答辩刍议

    On the Postgraduates ' Paper Writing and Defense Work of Arts of Design

  16. 数字化艺术与设计研究进展

    State-of-the-art of Research on Digital Art and Design

  17. 民间工艺对中国艺术设计史研究的意义

    The Meaning of Chinese Folk Art Study of the History of Art and Design

  18. 摘要聋人装潢专业主要从事平面的艺术设计与研究。

    The deaf 's upholstery studied the artistic design and research of plane mainly .

  19. 现代女性饰品艺术设计的研究

    Modern Art Design Study of Female Ornaments

  20. 现代艺术设计教育研究

    Research of Modern Arts Design Education

  21. 艺术设计思维研究的内容重点是:(1)生理基础;

    The main content of the study on the thought of artistic design includes : 1.The physiology basis ;

  22. 艺术设计是研究人类对物质潜含在其中的精神层面的价值系统的科学。

    Art design is a systemic science which studies the spirit value of the human being with substances containing it .

  23. 因此,对于中国艺术设计史研究方法的建构显得十分的必要与迫切。

    Therefore , it 's urgent to make a construction of the research method system of the Chinese art and design history .

  24. 希望这项尝试性的研究能够有益于艺术设计教学研究的拓展与深入,同时为其他学科的数字化教学资源研究、相关研发单位的类似项目研发提供可资借鉴的经验。

    This study should be beneficial to the research of art design teaching , while provide funding from the experience for other projects and other units .

  25. 针对艺术设计类研究生毕业论文中存在的诸多问题,必须加强对学生的论文写作与答辩的指导,才能提高论文质量、改进论文答辩工作。

    Facing the problems in the papers and the defense work of graduates of arts of design , we should give them more guide to paper writing and defense to improve the quality of papers and the defense work .

  26. 艺术设计是研究人为事物的科学,是艺术与科学的交叉与综合;其内核是文化的传承与超越;其本质是创造。

    Art design is a kind of science about man-made things , and it is the intersection and the mixture of art and science . Its nucleus is the inheritance and surpass of the culture , and its essence is creating .

  27. 最后以工程项目为例,把对中国农业银行营业网点室内环境艺术设计的研究运用到实际工程操作中,通过理论研究与项目的结合创造出社会实际价值。

    Finally , taking the engineering project as the example , the article utilizes the research of the art design of Agriculture Bank of China sales network indoor environment into practice , and creates social value through the combination of research and projects .

  28. 及格率提高最多的科目是艺术设计、商业研究和音乐。

    Among the subjects for which the pass rate has risen the most are art and design , business studies , and music .

  29. 中原民间美术与艺术设计发展关系研究

    Study of Developing Relations between Folk and Art Design in Central Plains

  30. 元素与方法&艺术设计基础课程研究

    Element and Method & Research on Basic Course of Design