
Wánɡ lì
  • distinguished linguist and strong supporter of language reform
  1. 王力《古代汉语》注释疏误

    Missing errors of explanatory notes of Wang Li 's Ancient Chinese

  2. 史密斯先生,这是我的好朋友王力。

    Mr. Smith , this is my good friend Wang Li .

  3. 王力先生是现代中国语言学大师。

    WANG Li is a Master in modern Chinese linguistics studies .

  4. 王力主编《古代汉语》标点献疑

    Question about the Punctuations in the Classical Chinese Edited by Wang li

  5. 王力《古代汉语》通假字注释疏误例析

    An analysis on annotation errors of interchangeable characters in Ancient Chinese Language

  6. 王力《同源字典》几组同源字的再探讨

    Further Discussion about Several Groups of Paronyms in the Dictionary of Paronyms

  7. 王力《古代汉语》注释订补

    Annotations and amendments of ancient Chinese by Wang Li

  8. 王力《古代汉语》注释商榷

    A discussion on Wang Li Ancient Chinese explanatory notes

  9. 王力主编《古代汉语》注释商榷一则

    Our Several Views about a Note in " Ancient Chinese " Edited by Wang Li

  10. 王力是一位金融从业人员,同样表示出乐观。

    Wang Li , who works in the finance industry , is similarly upbeat . w ?

  11. 王力先生是举世公认的20世纪中国最有成就的语言学家之一,古音学是王力先生一生学术研究的重要领域之一。

    Wang Li is widely recognized as one of the most accomplished Chinese linguists in 20th century .

  12. 王力《古代汉语》(校订重排本)词语注释商榷四则

    A Deliberation of Four Phraseological Annotations of " Classic Chinese " ( Revised Edition ) by Wang Li

  13. 形合意合理论是我国语言学家王力1984年在他的《中国语法理论》一书中提出的。在这本书里,他提出了形合和意合是组织语言要素的两个基本手段。

    The hypotaxis-parataxis theory was first proposed by Wang Li in his book Chinese Grammar Theory ( 1984 ) .

  14. 王力主编的《古代汉语》对此写了一条比较长的注释。

    There is a long annotation about this sentence in 《 The Ancient Chinese 》 which edited by Wang Li .

  15. 古代汉字形体歧异现象的处理&兼对王力主编《古代汉语》某些注释商兑

    How to Deal with Form Variations of Ancient Chinese Characters with Discussion on Some Notes in Ancient Chinese Language Edited by Wang Li

  16. 今人王力的《同源字典》,是第一部具有现代意义的同源词研究的著作。

    The Dictionary of Homology Words , written by Wang Li is considered to be the first work on homology words with modern significance .

  17. 王力先生提出了从形式和意义两方面来判断动补结构的标准,但是,形式和意义两个标准必须有机地统一。

    Wang Li proposed the criteria for judging the verb-complement structure by its form and its meaning , two criteria that should be well integrated .

  18. 王力主编的《古代汉语》有些地方的训释、援引、解说、字例有可商榷之处,文章对上述问题进行了列举、讨论,以便于读者使用和出版者修订。

    In Ancient Chinese chiefly compiled by Wang Li , there are some comments , explanations , citations and use of punctuation marks that are worth discussing .

  19. 王力先生的联绵字观念分早期、中期和后期三个阶段。

    There are three stages ( early , middle and late ) in the development of Wang Li 's views on the nature of Chinese disyllabic roots .

  20. 文章按照王力先生《同源字典》所定的上古音声韵标准,通过广泛地系联同源词来推求每个词的词源义。

    This paper decides the meanings of these ten phonograms related to paronyms according to the phonetic standards defined by Chinese Cognate Characters Dictionary written by Wang Li .

  21. 王力曾一语道破欧化与翻译的关系:译品最容易欧化。

    Touching upon the relation between Europeanization and translation , Wang Li hits the mark with a single comment : Europeanized Chinese is apt to derive from translated materials .

  22. 此外,王力说,建设低收入住房将遏止中国的房地产市场的投机活动,从而有利于降温房价上涨的增加。

    Additionally , increases in building low-income housing will deter speculation in China 's property market and thus be conducive to cooling down rising home prices , Wang Li said .

  23. 由于英汉翻译在近代翻译中的显著地位,因此,所谓欧化,大致就是英化(王力1943/1985:334)。

    Due to the prominence of English-Chinese translation in modern translation activities in China , the so-called Europeanization usually refers to Anglicization ( Wang Li 1943 / 1985 : 334 ) .

  24. 王力与韩礼德汉语语气观比较研究韩礼德主要从及物性系统、情态、人际隐喻等方面来研究言据性语言现象;

    Wang Li and Halliday : A Comparison Between Their Conceptions of Chinese Modality System According to Halliday , the interpersonal meaning is mainly realized through the mood and modality system .

  25. 随着这一趋势的日渐明朗,自王力以后的学者逐渐将研究重心转移至欧化的汉语本身,着重从语言学的角度分析这一现象。

    With the trend becoming increasingly clearer , experts after Wang Li gradually focus on the Europeanized language itself , that is , they tend to analyze this phenomenon from the linguistic angle .

  26. 因而王力先生(1985)指出,外语教学最有效的方法就是中外语言的比较教学。

    Therefore , Wang Li ( 1985 ) points out that in foreign language teaching " the most effective way is the comparative teaching of the Chinese language and the foreign language " .

  27. 本报讯(通讯员李朝秀记者王力)近年来,连续几次洪涝灾害让杭州老百姓对城市的排涝能力特别关注。

    According to Hangzhou Daily ( correspondent : Li Zhaoxiu , journalist : Wang Li ), several successive floods have raised special attention of people in Hangzhou to the drainage capability of the city .

  28. 在《同源字典》相关同源字分组的基础上,根据王力先生关于同源字的鉴别标准和系联方法,并结合王宁先生关于同源词分析的理论,对四组同源字进行了考察。

    Based on the methods used by Wang Li 's Dictionary of Paronyms and the " etymologic meaning " theory by Wang Ning , four groups of paronyms will be analyzed in this paper .

  29. 伤春主题的起因已经得到了广泛的关注和研究,而对于伤春主题的流变,王力先生在其著作中也作了比较详尽的叙述。

    The cause that harms spring subject has already received far-ranging concern and search , then change to the streaming of spot spring subject , Mr. Wang Li also made more detailed description in his work .

  30. 上个世纪中叶,王力、张世禄等先生就指出,汉语双音词的主要来源是短语的词汇化。一直以来,这个观点在学界得到了较为广泛的认同,渐为成说。

    The view that Chinese disyllabic words mainly come from lexicalization of phrases has been widely acknowledged in academic circles since it was proposed by scholars such as Wang Li and Zhang Shilu in mid 21st century .