
  • 网络Wang Zhenyu;Chen-Yu Wang;Stanley Wang;Leo Wang
  1. 王振宇认为一个超过25岁的女性决定继续保持单身并没有什么错。

    Researcher Wang Zhenyu believes there ` s nothing wrong if a woman over 25 decides to remain single .

  2. 中国社会科学院社会学研究所研究员王振宇表示,这些女性之所以单身是因为她们想要找比自己强的另一半。

    Wang Zhenyu , a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ` sociology institute , says many of these women remain single because they ` re looking for a partner who is even better than they are .

  3. 众安在线保险公司的人力资源总监王振宇表示,互联网金融的创新公司之所以对于人才具有吸引力,是因为这类公司会制定中长期的激励机制,帮助员工在公司发展过程中实现个人价值的增长。

    Wang Zhenyu , the human resources head of online insurance group ZhongAn , said innovative Internet finance companies are attractive to professionals because of their long-term incentives , which can help employees increase their personal value with the growth of the company .