
  1. 艺术专家们呼吁暂缓对一幅莱昂纳多·达芬奇的绝世名画的修复计划。

    Art experts have appealed for the suspension of plans to restore one of Leonardo da Vinci 's most celebrated paintings .

  2. 我们无畏的引领者是米米·加德纳·盖茨(MimiGardnerGates)。她是一位中国艺术专家,曾任西雅图美术馆(SeattleArtMuseum)馆长,为我们前来参观的这座石窟募集保护资金。

    Our intrepid leader , Mimi Gardner Gates , a specialist in Chinese art and the former director of the Seattle Art Museum , raises funds to support the preservation of what we had come to see : the Dunhuang caves where delicate ,

  3. 他的作品得到艺术专家的高度评价。

    His work is regarded as very good by art experts .

  4. 同样地,一些艺术专家推测卡纳莱托的许多真作还未被发现。

    Equally some art experts speculate that many genuine Canalettos have yet to be unearthed .

  5. 法国一位艺术专家日前称,蒙娜丽莎原本有眉毛。这位专家在使用专业相机对莱昂纳多•达•芬奇的名作(《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》)分析后得出了该结论。

    The Mona Lisa originally had eyebrows , according to a French art expert who has analysed Leonardo da Vinci 's masterpiece with a special camera .

  6. 目前也还不清楚哪些画作被盗,但是一位当代艺术专家告诉该报称,这些盗贼很难转手卖掉这些画。

    It was also unclear exactly which paintings were involved , but one contemporary art specialist told the paper they would be extremely difficult to sell .

  7. 他是研究15世纪意大利艺术的专家。

    He 's an expert on fifteenth century Italian art .

  8. 威廉是早期基督教艺术的专家。

    William is an expert inion early Christian art .

  9. 此次展览的策划人郑胜天教授是中国和亚洲当代艺术的专家。

    Curator of this exhibition , Zheng Shengtian is an accomplished scholar and professor in contemporary Chinese and Asian Art .

  10. 鲁瓦耶:我是19世纪晚期艺术的专家,我一直都在研究印象派画家,也包括建筑。

    Henri Loyette : I am a specialist of late19th century . I used to work , and I still work on impressionist painters , but also architecture .

  11. 它致力于提高生活品质,引导生活方式、提倡个性化生活品味,成为您生活中的伙伴,成为您私人的享受生活艺术的专家顾问。

    Its commitment to improving the quality of life and lifestyle guide , promote individuality life taste as your life partner as your private life and the enjoyment of the expert consultants .

  12. 中国艺术方面的专家菲利蒲•多德(PhilipDodd)同样是委员会成员,他说该网站“应该深入接洽那些无法亲临北京的国际藏家。”网站的拍品起价1万美元,此外还设有一个“私人买卖区”,交易的艺术品起价为10万美元。

    China specialist Philip Dodd , who is also on the committee , says that the site " should plug into a global constituency of collectors who can 't get to Beijing . " Prices start at US $ 10000 and there is a " private sales avenue " for transactions above US $ 100000 .

  13. 关于中国戏曲表演体系的艺术特征,专家学者有不同的见解。

    Experts and scholars have different understanding and opinions about the artistic features of the performance system of Chinese Drama .

  14. 但是,在家庭纷争之外,还有一个更大的问题令中国艺术领域的专家感到失望。一直以来,王己千藏品都是这些专家仰慕的对象。

    But beyond the family strife , a broader issue is dismaying Chinese-art experts for whom the Wang collection has long been a source of wonder .

  15. 鉴此,本刊编辑部约请了一些关注当代雕塑艺术发展的专家,就雕塑艺术的宽泛化所带来的诸种问题展开讨论。

    Today , the editorial department of our magazine ask some experts who concern about the development of contemporary sculpture arts to discuss questions and issues brought by broader and broader sculpture arts .

  16. 出神入化的结构艺术,令外国专家叹其为“神话建筑”。

    Admiring such structure art , a foreign expert referred to Zhencheng as " mythological architecture " .

  17. 她是个艺术方面真正的专家,因此每次和她谈论艺术我都觉得自己不够格。

    She 's a real expert on art , so I feel completely inadequate whenever I talk to her about it .

  18. 想去帮助旁人,你不必是这值种艺术的能干的专家,主要的条件是意向。

    To help others , you don 't have to be an efficient expert in the art , the main thing is the intention .

  19. 述及家具,晋作家具形象万千,或易传承,典雅安逸,兼备两全,以其深厚的文化底蕴和艺术风格被众多专家和学者称道。

    Covered furniture , furniture for the image of thousands of Jin , or the compliance of Ming , or easy to pass on , elegant comfort , both co-existence , with its profound cultural background and artistic style are collectors commendable .