
  1. 艺术意象思维的表现形式

    The Expression of Image Thinking in Art

  2. 而一切艺术意象都是对人类思维中隐喻活动的解释。

    And all of what human art image thinking metaphors in the interpretation of the activity .

  3. 传统的视觉艺术意象具有可视性,能直观地表达出事物,同时兼具立体感和空间感。

    The visual arts of traditional image with visibility , can directly express things , has stereo feeling and space at the same time .

  4. 瞬间是摄影活动的出发点和归结点,是凝聚摄影者艺术意象的特殊表现方式。

    The moment is the start and the end of photography . It is a special performance way of coagulating the art idea of photograph .

  5. 18位花间词人不约而同地大量捕捉花意象进入创作,使其成为传递人物情意的媒介,从单纯的自然物象上升到意蕴丰富的艺术意象。

    Eighteen poets adopted the image of " flower " to create as purely natural physical images or rich artistic images , making it the media conveying feelings .

  6. 优秀的海报设计蕴含着深厚的文化底蕴和艺术意象,是人类社会进步过程中所创造的文化和美学符号之一。

    The outstanding poster design contains deep cultural inside story and artistic image , is one of culture and aesthetics marks created in the process of human society progress .

  7. 构建象征的思维方式是意象思维,当意象不断重复时,意象就形成一种象征意义,这时,单个的艺术意象或者意象群才得以展示自己的艺术隐喻本质。

    Constructing symbol way of thinking is image thinking , when repeated image , image is formed a kind of symbolic meaning , at this time , a single art image or image group was able to show their art metaphor essence .

  8. 本文主要从艺术意象的研究历史、生成发展及分类几方面对艺术意象进行探究,从这一探究过程中发掘艺术意象的本质问题。

    This text go on and study and from the art image evolution in the history east and west of art , take place , develop and classify mainly go art image . Study course explore the essential problems of art image at one from these .

  9. 论艺术语言意象的内在生成及外化

    Artistic pictures & conception 's internal generation and external display in art speech

  10. 从思维的角度看,艺术语言意象是一种艺术思维。

    Seen from the angle of thinking , art speech is artistic thinking .

  11. 谈中国图案艺术的意象性与意象造型

    Imago and Imago Sculpt of Chinese Art of Pattern

  12. 艺术语言意象,往往以变异的言语形式呈现出来。

    The images of artistic language are often shown as variant speech forms .

  13. 本文的重点是对海报艺术的意象和意境进行研究。

    This paper focused on the research of image and artistic conception of poster art .

  14. 符号形式语言的更重要作用在于它直接指示、负载着艺术的意象世界。

    Symbols form a more important role of language lies in its direct instructions , load the image the world of art .

  15. 接下来主要采用理论分析和诗歌鉴赏、宏观和微观相结合的方式从抒情艺术、意象和意境、语言艺术以及结构艺术等四个主要方面分别加以论述。

    Sequentially , arguments are given respectively from such four aspects as lyrical art , image and mood , language art and structural art by adopting the means of combinations of theoretical analysis and poetry appreciation as well as macrocosm and microcosm .

  16. 论朗读艺术的审美意象

    On the Aesthetic Imagery of the Art of Reading Aloud

  17. 战国楚艺术中凤鸟意象的研究

    Researching the Phoenix and Bird Imagery in Chu 's Art of the Warring States

  18. 《小街驶过乌篷船》与当代散文艺术的新意象

    A Boat Sailing across the Street and the New Artistic Conception of Contemporary Prose

  19. 艺术思维以意象思维为主。

    Art thinking to image thinking primarily .

  20. 二是独特的艺术特征:意象的独特;修辞手法的巧用。

    Secondly , they had their own artistic characteristics : unique images and the skillful use of rhetorical devices .

  21. 本文指出艺术语言通过意象、隐喻、转喻三种思维形式完成对它自身的创造。

    This paper points out that the modes of thinking in artistic language are images , metaphor and metonymy .

  22. 从人类的两种基本思维形式看,艺术思维以意象思维为主,不同于以概念思维为主的科学思维。

    From the view of two fundamental forms of thinking manners , artistic thinking primarily consists of image thinking varying from scientific thinking which mainly consists of concept thinking .

  23. 综合材料所具有的特征以及表现手法的多样性、独特性,正好能充分的与绘画意义相适应,并增加绘画艺术画面审美意象的深刻性。

    Composite material has the characteristics as well as the technique of expression diversity , uniqueness , can fully and painting significance to adapt , and increase the art picture aesthetic image depth .

  24. 君特·格拉斯是一位著名的战后德国文学家,是位善于把自己的情感、意念与社会历史文化融合为特定艺术形态的意象大师。

    Gunter Grass is one renowned postwar German writer , is an idea master who is good at reading own emotion , idea to blend with social history culture for the particular art appearance .

  25. 全文以阐述宋代确立的意象造型和当代意象造型法则为依据,通过对比的方法,说明西方绘画艺术对传统意象造型艺术的改变。

    Full text is to expound the song dynasty establish image modelling and contemporary image modelling , according to law , explains the methods through comparison of traditional western painting art images of the plastic arts change .

  26. 最后,考察作品是如何在不同的社会文化情境中透过各有差异的审美机制和内容方案,以不同艺术媒介的意象变化引发预设受众的审美认同,从而完成各自内在的价值诉求。

    Finally , the thesis will study how these works in different socio-cultural context engender the aesthetic identification on their supposed audience with the changes of art media imagery through their different aesthetic mechanisms and programs of content , so as to meet their intrinsic appeals of culture value .

  27. 异质文化中的艺术借鉴&英美意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌比较

    Artistic Absorption of the Anglo-American Imagist Poetry From Chinese Classical Poetry

  28. 造型艺术的具象与意象遗传程序设计表示法新进展

    Representation and Image in Modelling Review of Representation for Genetic Programming

  29. 建筑艺术中神山的意象与太阳神崇拜

    Image of Mysterious Mountain in Architectural Art and Apollo Adoration

  30. 书法艺术中的龙蛇意象探隐

    Dragon and Snake Image in Chinese Cursive Calligraphy