
  1. 随着人们对高清节目需求的日益增多,光学头的发展也由红光逐渐向蓝光转变。

    With the increase of HDTV programs , the development of pickup is shifting from red-ray to blu-ray .

  2. 此外,尽管10年前就开始播放一些高清节目了,但高清电视的销售直到2004年才开始起步。

    And while some high-definition broadcasts began a decade ago , sales did not start to take off until 2004 .

  3. 该通知要求目的是为了提高引进电视节目质量,丰富高清节目的内容,因此应优先引进高清的境外影视剧。

    The aim is to improve the quality of imported TV programs and to enrich the content of shows available in high definition , so high-definition imported TV shows are preferred .

  4. 仿真结果显示,该电路的处理能力足够支持对AVS高清电视节目(1280×720,60帧/秒)的实时环路滤波。

    Simulation results show that the circuit can support realtime loop filtering of AVS HDTV ( 1280 × 720,60fps ) programs .

  5. 他们在播放真正的高清电视节目和电影时表现最佳。

    They work best when showing movies or TV programs made in true high definition .

  6. 索尼公司在展览中设置了专业图像采集区,小型高清多媒体节目制作系统、专业光盘现场节目制作系统等。

    Sony set an area especially for picture uploading , small hi-fi multi-media program producing and professional DVD making system .

  7. 同时由于中国当前高清电视节目资源的不足,向下兼容标清电视信号的机顶盒无疑会更受消费者的喜爱。

    But due to the lack of HDTV program resources nowadays in our country , consumers would undoubtedly prefer STBs that also support SDTV signals .

  8. 针对当前HDTV高清数字视频节目源的不足,介绍一种基于自主设计的视频格式转换芯片而开发的数字视频上变换器(SD-HD)系统。

    An SD to HD video converter is introduced based on video format conversion IC chip with independent intellectual right of property , which is used to generate more digital HDTV sources for broadcasting .

  9. 随着技术的发展和市场的需求,对存储容量要求越来越高,需要大容量存储介质播放高清的影音节目。

    Along with the technology advances and market demands , there is high demand for storage capacity , and require high-capacity storage media playback high-definition audio and video programs .

  10. 美国、欧洲、日本、韩国都已相继开播了数字电视节目,中国也将于2008年奥运会期间在八个奥运城市开播地面高清数字电视节目。

    America , Europe , Japan and Korea has offered DTV service one after the other , and China will start delivering DTV programs at the eight host cities during the 2008 Beijing Olympics .

  11. 随着高清电视和高清视频节目的发展,传统的DVD已经无法满足高清视频节目的需要。

    With the development of the high-density TV and high-density video programs , the traditional optical disc such as DVD can not meet the need of the high-density video programs .