
  • 网络Educational deepening;educational deeping
  1. 中国高等教育深化问题及对策

    The Problems and the Countermeasures of Chinese Higher Educational Deepening

  2. 我国就业结构的演变,产生了经济发展中的结构效应、带动了农业剩余劳动力的转移、引起了教育深化现象,也引发了结构性失业和隐性失业显性化。

    The evolvement of employment structure of our country have produced the " structural effect " in economic development , driven the migrants of the agricultural surplus labor , aroused the " educational deepening ", and initiate to structural unemployment and dominant tendency of disguised unemployment .

  3. 市场分割、资本深化和教育深化&关于就业问题的进一步思考

    On the Division of the Market and the Optimization of Capital and Education

  4. 制约护理健康教育深化的因素分析

    Analysis on Restriction Factors of Health Education Development

  5. 加强素质教育深化实验改革

    Strengthening quality education and deepening experiment reform

  6. 加强新生入馆教育深化图书馆信息职能

    Strengthening the Entrance Education for New Students and Deepening the Information Function of the Library

  7. 基于文化认同的涵化是探讨民族团结教育深化的重要视角;

    Cultural identification is a significant perspective fo the promotion of the education for ehinic Unity .

  8. 随着国家高等教育深化改革,高等职业教育已占据了高等教育的半壁江山。

    Along with the deepening reform-of higher education , higher vocational education has accounted for half of higher education .

  9. 建立教学创新机制是高等职业教育深化改革的重要课题。

    It is an important subject to establish the innovative teaching mechanism for deepening the reform for senior vocational education .

  10. 人才培养模式的改革是高职教育深化教学改革的重要课题。

    The reform on mode of talent cultivation is of great importance to the further teaching reform in higher vocational education .

  11. 随着教育深化改革和信息技术的飞速发展,利用多媒体辅助英语教学已经是比较普遍的做法,这方面的理论研究成果也很多。

    The use of multimedia-assisted English teaching is already common . And there are also a lot of theoretical researches in this field .

  12. 消除知识失业应从抑制教育深化、扩大就业机会和改革就业政策等方面着手。

    The ways of eliminating this phenomenon are to curb the education deepening steps and to reform the employment policies while creating more employment opportunities .

  13. 农业产业化经营的不断发展和农业产业链的不断延伸,对农业高职教育深化管理体制改革,优化组织机构设置提出了新的要求。

    The development of agricultural industrialization and extend of industrial chain has put new demand on deepening reform of managing system of agricultural vocational college , optimizing organization .

  14. 整合的关键是:合理充分利用信息技术促进教育深化改革,大幅提升学校的教学质量。

    The key of integration is : to make full use of information technology to promote education reform , and to greatly improve the quality of teaching in schools .

  15. 外语交际能力是新世纪人才培养、高等教育深化改革和培养学生个体自我生存能力的需要。

    Communicative competence is needed in cultivating talents with high qualities of the new century , in deepening the reform of higher education and in developing the ability of students ' self-existence .

  16. 拓展图书馆教育功能深化大学生思想教育

    Expand Educational Function of Library Deepen Ideological Education of Undergraduates

  17. 转变数学教育思想深化数学教学改革

    Change mathematics educational thoughts and further reform on mathematics teaching

  18. 为了推进素质教育,深化课程改革是当务之急。

    To promote quality education , the urgency is to deepen curriculum reform .

  19. 更新教育观念深化体育教学改革

    Renewing Education Conception and Deepening Physical Education Teaching Reform

  20. 设立专职教育护士深化医院健康教育

    Setting up full-time education nurses to promote health education

  21. 高等职业技术教育在深化改革中发生了深刻的变化。

    A great change has taken place in higher vocational technology education reform .

  22. 浅论师范院校环境教育的深化与发展

    Deepening and developing environmental education in teachers ′ colleges

  23. 普通高校成人高等教育如何深化改革

    On How to Make the Adult-Education Reformation in Universities and Colleges Go into Depth

  24. 转变哲学教育观念深化对马克思主义哲学教育目的的认识

    Change Philosophical Conception of Education and Deepen the Marxist Philosophy Understanding in Education Aims

  25. 应用现代教育技术深化英语教学改革

    Making use of the modern education technology and deepening the reform of English teaching

  26. 运用教育技术深化教学改革

    Apply Education Technology and Deepen Reform in Education

  27. 坚持教育创新深化教育改革

    Continue New Ideas of Education Deepen Education Reform

  28. 试谈高校文化素质教育的深化

    On Deepening College s ' Cultural Quality Education

  29. 开展教学系列专题讲座更新教育理念深化教学改革

    Developing serial thematic lectures of teaching , renewing educational concepts and deepening reform in teaching

  30. 数字化学习技术有力的促进了教育的深化改革。

    E-learning technologies promote the education reformation .