
  1. 中法两国出口激励政策的比较

    A Comparison of Export Incentive Policies in France and China

  2. 退税已成为一项重要的出口激励政策。

    Tax rebates are becoming an important export promotion policy .

  3. 国际贸易的开放性及出口激励;

    Openness to international trade and export promotion ;

  4. 北京方面曾试图通过紧缩信贷和取消出口激励措施,为过热的经济降温。

    Beijing has sought to slow an overheating economy by tightening credit and removing export incentives .

  5. 中国出口增长的激励机制&模型构造

    Incentive mechanism of China 's exports growth-modeling

  6. 自1985年以来,中国就把出口退税作为强势激励贸易的政策。

    Since 1985 , China has regarded export tax rebate as the policy of encouraging trade .

  7. 我们看到中国正在采取缓慢但坚定的行动,来遵守国际贸易规则&这些规则规定,应该取消出口补贴和对出口产品的税收激励。

    We are seeing slow but steady movement by China to abide by the international trading rules , which say export subsidies and tax incentives for exports are to be eliminated .