
chū hàn
  • sweat;perspire
出汗 [chū hàn]
  • [perspire] 分泌并流出汗液

出汗[chū hàn]
  1. 他开始大量出汗。

    He began to perspire heavily .

  2. 中毒者大量出汗、吐血,一小时内就会丧命。

    The victim will perspire heavily , vomit blood , and collapse within an hour .

  3. 他的皮肤因出汗而闪闪发光。

    His skin was agleam with sweat .

  4. 我们的身体能出汗,由此可以蒸发散热。

    Our bodies can sweat , thereby losing heat by evaporation

  5. 你常出汗或是脸上常发烫吗?

    Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot ?

  6. 大量出汗后要慢慢降温。

    Cool down very gradually after working up a sweat

  7. 往出汗的鼻子上扑粉只会堵塞毛孔,使皮肤更加不舒服。

    Powdering a sweaty nose will only block up the pores and make the skin more uncomfortable

  8. 皮肤出汗。

    The skin excretes sweat .

  9. 我热得直出汗。

    I 'm so hot that I 'm dripping with sweat .

  10. 常见症状有:呼吸加速、出汗、畏惧、气短、恶心、心跳不规律。

    Some of the common symptoms of this phobic condition include rapid breathing , sweating , feeling of dread and irregular heartbeat .

  11. 皮肤上残留了一到两天汗液的人,会比刚出汗的人,更容易吸引疟疾媒蚊。

    Mosquitoes who carry malaria5 are most attracted to sweat that had been sitting on skin for a day or two , rather than fresh sweat .

  12. 出汗有明显降低GA患者的血清UA作用。

    Sweat could obviously reduce the serum UA of the GA patients .

  13. 方法通过对24例患者术后随访,并通过Minor试验,观察术后味觉出汗综合征的发生情况。

    Methods : Twenty-four cases after parotidectomy by Minor test was followed up and the incidence of Frey syndrome was found .

  14. 新型出汗假人Walter与一步法测量原理

    The Novel Perspiring Manikin Walter and One-Step Measurement Method

  15. 两种不同术式治疗原发性手汗症术后代偿性出汗的Meta分析

    The Meta Analysis of Postoperative Compensatory Sweating Caused by Two Different Operative Methods for Treatment of Hyperhidrosis

  16. 在超高清分辨率下,即便是淡定的弗兰西斯・安德伍德(FrancisUnderwood)也会出汗。这是真的。

    Even the unflappable Francis Underwood perspires in ultra high definition .

  17. 实验组第1、2小时的出汗量分别为0-882和0-513kg(P<0-05);而对照组的变化无明显差别。

    The sweat amounts in the first hour and second hour were 0 882 and 0 513 kg in the test group ( P < 0 05 ), but there was no marked difference in control group .

  18. MSG一直被指责是从头疼、出汗到心慌综合症的原因。

    MSG has been blamed for symptoms ranging from headaches and sweating to heart palpitations .

  19. 但是,就在第二天开车到Aspen,我的后背就靠在座椅上出汗;

    But the very next day , driving to Aspen , my back was sweating against the vinyl seat ;

  20. 其他产品包括搜索公司谷歌(Google)推出的智能眼镜GoogleGlass。还有Basis腕带,这种腕带装有传感器,能够测量出汗情况、皮肤温度、心率模式和动作。

    Others include Google Glass , intelligent eyewear coming from the search company , and the Basis wristband , with sensors that can measure perspiration , skin temperature and heart-rate patterns , as well as motion .

  21. S组出汗量比F组高14%,尿量少21%,尿蛋白转阳性率较低,血红蛋白增高和血容量减少较小。

    As comparing group S with group F , the sweat amount was larger , urine volume and the percentage of proteinuria were lesser , the increase of Hb and decrease of blood volume were lighter .

  22. 方法:从有阵发性出汗且经冠状动脉造影确诊为冠心病的病例中,回顾Holter检查,了解心肌缺血发作与阵发性出汗的关系。

    Methods : To evaluate the relationship between paroxysm perspiration and myocardial ischemia by reviewing coronary angiography . These cases had paroxysm perspiration .

  23. 两组治疗后出汗、焦虑和肌肉骨骼疼痛症状的评分比较,差异具有显著性(P0.05或P0.01),治疗组优于对照组。

    There was a significant difference in perspiration , anxiety and pain after treatment between the two groups ( P 0.05 or P 0.01 ), and the treatment group was better than the control group .

  24. 当我用三星(Samsung)新款65英寸超高清电视在线收看Netflix的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)时,我可以看到剧中饰演副总统的凯文・史派西(KevinSpacey)上唇出汗了。

    Yes , I spotted sweat on the upper lip of Kevin Spacey 's fictitious vice president while streaming Netflix 's ' House of Cards ' on a new 65-inch Ultra HD television from Samsung .

  25. 女性有典型症状(胸痛或不适、呼吸困难、出汗、臂或肩痛)者诊断为ACS明显多,男性则不;

    Presence of typical symptoms ( chest pain or discomfort , dyspnea , diaphoresis , and arm or shoulder pain ) was significantly associated with a diagnosis of ACS in women but not in men .

  26. 每隔90分钟就涂抹一次至少是SPF30的防晒霜。(或长时间的游泳,出汗等等之后再次涂抹防晒霜)。

    Wear sunscreen with a minimum if SPF 30 and reapply every 90 minutes ( or after prolonged swimming , sweating , etc. )

  27. 本文研究了8名青年男士兵在35℃(DB)和29℃(WB)的高温环境下负重行军的体温和出汗量的变化特点。

    The characteristics of changes in rectum temperature and sweating rate were studied for 8 young male soldiers on a simulated march with back load on an ergometer in hot environment of35 ℃ ( DB ) and 29 ℃( WB ) .

  28. 其中正杯法与DMPC动态法有非常好的相关性,倒杯干燥剂法与出汗热盘法有较好的负相关性。

    The upright cup and the DMPC methods were very highly correlated , the desiccant inverted cup method and the sweating hot plate method had a fine negative correlation coefficient .

  29. 结果:甲组患者中4例出现进食时出汗现象,发生率为57%。Noonan氏综合征(附2例报告)

    Results : Follow-up after 6 months to 2.5 years , gustatory sweating syndrome occurred in 4 patients of group A ( 17 % ), 17 patients in group B ( 57 % ) .

  30. 运动功率20W持续不同时间的运动,生理指标没有显著差异。但40W运动20min时的平均皮肤温度和出汗率明显高于运动10min,其能量代谢率未出现相同的变化;

    There were no differences in the physiological indices between 20 W 20 min and 20 W 10 min , but mean skin temperature and sweat rate during 40 W 20 min work were higher than 40 W 10 min while metabolic rate did not change .