
  • 网络out-of-body;Out of Body
  1. 讲精神膨胀描述出体经验和明晰的梦想。

    Spirit Speaks - Expansive description of out of body experiences and lucid dreaming .

  2. 我很高兴你有了第三次出体经验。

    I am so happy that you had your third OBE .

  3. 你可以这个声音诱发出体。

    You can use this sound to induce OBEs .

  4. 当我在床上试著出体时,我会太快睡著。

    When I try techniques in a bed , I fall asleep too quickly .

  5. 如果你太注意他们,那麽你会立即结束出体。

    If you focus too much on them , then you will end your OBE immediately .

  6. 这是很自然的,即使人们在出体期间从未发现,但他们的确这麽做。

    It happens so naturally that many people in an OBE don 't even realize it .

  7. 我使用这个方法,曾在一个晚上出体三次。

    With this technique , I have had up to three OBE 's in one night .

  8. 数据经遗传统计学处理,估算出体成分及无氧功率的对内相关系数和遗传度。

    Inner correlation coefficient and heritability of body composition and anaerobic power were estimated by heredity statistics .

  9. 你开始了解一连串的事件,以及谁出现在你的出体经验里。

    You are starting to understand the sequence of events , and who was in your OBE .

  10. 在有多个出体经验后,我了解到什麽是死亡,而且我也不害怕死亡。

    After having many OBE 's , I understand what death is , and I do not fear death .

  11. 通过压深-载荷曲线和原子的组态的考察发现:压头压入和拔出体过程中,基体内部会形成一个非常大的塑性变形区。

    By examing atomic configurations and the load-depth curve , a large plastic zone is observed during indentation and retraction processes .

  12. 在出体期间,你只要想著你想说的话,对方就会知道你在说什麽了。

    All you have to do is think of a thought and the other person will know what you are saying in an OBE .

  13. 误差分析表明体平均格式具有较小的能量守恒误差,数值计算结果也显示出体平均格式能量守恒误差比面平均格式明显小。

    The theoretical analysis shows that the volume average scheme has much less errors than area average one , and numerical example demonstrates this conclusion .

  14. 幼鹤13周龄时各项体尺指标均达到成鹤的86%以上,并呈现出体长较体宽发育快的特点

    All body sizes of the nestling cranes surpass 86 percent of the adult cranes ′ and it is showed that length increase fast than width in bones

  15. 阳光会使卟啉症患者浑身发痒,皮肤上出现红色斑点,甚至有时候长出体毛来。

    Exposed to the sunshine , the patients of porphyria would be itchy and have red patches appeared in the skin , even grow more hair sometimes .

  16. 结果表明:子叶外植体未能诱导出体细胞胚,与子叶相比,下胚轴更有利于体细胞胚胎的发生,但下胚轴培养时间的长短也直接影响体细胞胚胎发生频率。

    Comparing with cotyledon , hypocotyl was better for us to induce somatic embryos , and the hypocotyl culture times directly effect on inducement frequency of somatic embryos also .

  17. 你会发现在你睡梦中的状态你也会遇到其他的出体的灵魂,并且会给你一个更清晰的记忆。

    You will find that in your dream state you will meet other souls also out of the body , but more importantly bring a waking memory back with you .

  18. 使用023cc电离室测量出体模中感兴趣点上的吸收剂量;使用RIT113胶片剂量分析系统测量出体模中感兴趣平面上的剂量分布。

    The doses of interesting points were measured using a 0 23 cc chamber and the isodose distributions of interesting planes were measured using RIT 113 film dosimetry system in the phantom .

  19. 想想看--工作时间漫长又不固定,日夜者得上班,横跨许多时区,随时都得呈现出体丽的模样,而且不论面对开心或不列心的乘客都得保持脸上的微笑。

    I Think about it-long , irregular hours , day and night , many time zones , and all the time looking good and having a smile for happy and unhappy passengers alike .

  20. 本文就长白山东北坡中国林蛙越冬前的形态构造作了详细的描述,并测定出体尺及内脏器官的重量,对雌性和雄性的部分体尺以及内脏器官重量作了较为详细的比较。

    This paper gives a minute description of the morphological structure of the Chinese Forest Frog ( before hibernation ) on the northeast slope of Changbai Mountain and shows its size and the weight of its internal organs .

  21. 通过在常规太极拳教学模式中加入推手基本技术的教学,构建出体用结合的太极拳教学模式,包括目标模式、单元教学模式和评价模式,并应用之于教学实践。

    Through conventional taijiquan teaching mode in the teaching of basic technology to push , constructed the " body with combination " of tai chi chuan teaching mode , including target mode , teaching mode and evaluation unit model , and the application in teaching practice .

  22. 最近,韩国科学家黄禹锡伪造数据并在《Science》上发表,他声称已经从人类胚胎中培养出成体干细胞。

    Most recently , South Korean scientist Hwang Woo Suk fabricated data published in Science , claiming to have grown stem cells from human embryos .

  23. 应用了2DGabor小波变换和色度信息较为精确地检测出舌体区域;

    The chromatic information and 2D Gabor wavelet transformation are applied to segment tongue from original image .

  24. 调整料浆pH值约11可制备出固相体积分数达56%、表观粘度为568MPa·s的稳定料浆。

    The stable slurry with concentrated suspension of 56 % ( in volume ) and the apparent viscosity of 568 MPa s can be obtained when pH value is about 11 .

  25. 采用IR、XRD、SEM、化学分析等手段对前驱体溶胶的物质结构进行表征,推断出前驱体溶胶的分子结构;

    Using IR , XRD , SEM and chemical analysis technics , the structure of the precursor sol was characterized , and the molecular structures of precursor sol was deduced ;

  26. CCSD超高压变质岩绿辉石中的石英出溶体及其大陆动力学意义

    Quartz Exsolutions in Omphacites of Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from CCSD and Its Significance of Geodynamics

  27. 基于X射线密度损伤增量公式,推导出岩石体应变公式,得到岩石内部裂纹宽度的普适性计算公式。

    Based on the increment formula of density damage , the volumetric strain formula is derived for rock . The universal calculation formula of crack width in rock interior is derived based on the volumetric strain formula .

  28. 运用时域有限差分法(FDTD),通过电磁场对人体心脏影响的模型仿真,计算出心脏体段由磁共振成像(MRI)时变梯度场感应的涡流,并与已有的心脏刺激阈值进行比较。

    By employing FDTD method and simulating the effects of electromagnetic on the heart of human body , the eddy-currents of the heart of human body induced by MRI time-varying gradient fields are computed and compared with the recommended threshold .

  29. 运用Thompson四面体和几何模型推导出马氏体变体的迹线方向,通过计算求得相变浮凸角与真实切变角的对应关系。

    Thompson tetrahedron and geometry analysis were used to calculate the directions of variant traces on specimen surface , then the relationship between the transformation shear angle and surface relief angle was deduced .

  30. 本文通过采用低温水热合成法,制备出粉体金红石型TiO2、混晶TiO2及混晶TiO2膜,并研究了其晶型、结构和催化性能。

    In this paper , rutile TiO2 powder , mixed crystal TiO2 powder and mixed crystal TiO2 film were synthesized via applying hydrothermal method at low temperature . And crystal phase , structure and photocatalytic property of TiO2 were researched .