
  1. 出版专业专书质量管窥

    My Humble Opinion on the Quality of Professional Books for Publishing Specialty

  2. 关于我国编辑出版专业教育的论争与调查分析

    Analysis of the Contestation and Investigation of Chinese Editing and Publishing Education

  3. 出版专业职业资格考试制度对编辑人才培养的作用

    The Role of the Publishing Vocational Qualification Examination in Practice of Training Editors

  4. 论完善出版专业职业资格考试的必要性与可行性

    On Necessity and Feasibility of Improving the Examination of Professional Qualification at Publishing

  5. 从高等教育出版社的发展谈出版专业的人才培养

    Cultivating Editing & Publishing Talents Based on the Development of Higher Education Press

  6. 关于首次出版专业资格考试不公平因素的探讨

    On the Injustice in Qualification Test of Publishing

  7. 我国建立出版专业职业资格制度的必要性及其意义

    On the necessity and importance to build professional qualification system in press and publicity in China

  8. 新时代的期刊形式具有新的特点,也向出版专业人员提出了新的要求。

    The periodical form of new age has new characters , and makes new requirements on the publication personnel .

  9. 当前,出版专业教育存在人才培养与行业实践相脱离的弊端。

    At the present time , there is a distance between the talent training of publishing science education and the practice .

  10. 数字时代编辑出版专业人才培养模式,确乎是一个值得深入探索的问题。

    It is a worthwhile problem for us to discuss how to develop the editing and publishing professionals in the digital era .

  11. 出版专业职业资格制度的建立是我国出版业人事制度的一项重大改革。

    Establishing the system of professional qualifications of publishing specialty is a significant reform in the personnel system of publishing industry in our country .

  12. 出版专业技术人员职业资格制度的建立,对加强出版专业技术队伍建设,提高人员素质和业务水平起到了积极作用。

    The establishment of professional qualification system for technicians in publishing industry plays an active role in strengthening the construction of technicians force , improving their qualities and vocational levels .

  13. 目前,我国高校出版社在出版专业人才管理中虽然取得了一些成效,但依旧存在一些较为突出的问题,这些问题在一定程度上成为制约高校出版社发展的瓶颈。

    In our country , there are some serious problems in the management of publishing talents in spite of some achievements , which have restricted the further development of university press and high education in a certain extent .

  14. (财富中文网)本文作者是巴尔的摩资产管理及研究公司R.G.Associates总裁,该公司出版的专业期刊《分析师会计观察》旨在为机构投资者提供研究服务。

    Jack T. Ciesielski is president of R.G. Associates , Inc. , an asset management and research firm in Baltimore that publishes The Analyst 's Accounting Observer , a research service for institutional investors .

  15. 浅谈编辑出版学专业课程建设我国编辑出版专业教育的问题及对策探讨

    The Thought of Curriculum Building about Editorial and Publishing Subject Issues and Measures of Publishing Science Education

  16. 然后以表格的形式,对开设编辑出版学专业高校的办学情况进行横向总体介绍。

    Then , the thesis introduces the actuality of the editing and publishing education in the universities of China .

  17. 图书出版进一步专业化,特别是在教育类图书中,因为人们认识到学校人数的巨大潜力。

    Specialization became frequent , particularly in educational books , as the potentialities of the new school populations were realized .

  18. 1998年教育部调整了高校的本科专业目录,将原来编辑学专业、图书发行专业整合为新的编辑出版学专业。

    In 1998 , Ministry of Education adapted the undergraduate subject catalogues and combined the former editing major and books .

  19. 本论文旨在从任务设置的角度,对三十本近十年来国内出版的专业科技英语教材进行评估。

    This thesis aims to evaluate 30 subject-based EST textbooks published in the past decade in China from the angle of task design in these books .

  20. 《亚洲商业研究》作为一本由美国旧金山大学出版的专业期刊,用以填补这一空白。

    The Journal of Asia Business Studies ( JABS ), a refereed journal published by the University of San Francisco , is designed to fill this gap .

  21. 支持纸质图书出版的专业技能以及专门人才,在电子出版界同样不可缺少,而且,出版商如果只是获得出版纸质图书的权利,那对作者的权益也是不利的。

    The skills and talents that support the publication of physical books are equally relevant in the digital world , and publishers would be doing authors a disservice if they acquired the rights to physical books alone .

  22. 开设出版发行营销专业大专层次教育探析&对湖南大众传媒职业技术学院现有出版与发行专业改造的必要性与可行性论证

    The Junior College Education of the Specialty of the Marketing of Publishing and Issuing

  23. 出版发行营销专业必须加强学生智能培养

    Pay Attention to the Cultivation of the Intelligence of Students Majoring in Marketing of Publishing and Issuing

  24. 评判团主要成员为本港印刷、出版及设计专业团体和教育机构,此外亦会邀请其他社会团体委派出专业代表担任评判。

    Experts from printing , publishing and design professional bodies and educational institutions , as well as representatives from other organizations , will be invited to form the panel of judges .

  25. 其他的研究者对程序段会更有兴趣,所以在为专业性期刊上出版或者在专业性会议上发表写下的研究项目中,这段应该突出。

    Other researchers would be most interested in the procedures section , and this should be highlighted in writing up research projects for publication in professional journals or for presentation at professional conferences .

  26. 出版发行营销专业是高校为适应我国出版产业化转制、深化改革谋求更大发展和实现出版发行营销人员职业化和专业化的需要而开设的一个新专业。

    The publication marketing subject is a new subject which is founded for the need of transformation of publishing industrialization , deepening reform to achieve greater development , realization of the specialization of publication marketing personnel .

  27. 通过对限制学报发展的因素进行分析,提出对学报封面和版式进行改革,组建学报出版集团,分专业办刊的设想。

    The article proposes the prospect which reform the style and cover of Journal , form the Journal publish group corporation and organize periodicals by each subject throught analyse of restrictions of the development of Journal .

  28. 与此同时,边区图书出版事业在发展的过程中,培养了一批优秀的出版专业人才队伍,建立了完整的出版体系,为新中国图书出版事业的发展奠定了初步基础。

    Meanwhile , the book publishing industry fostered a group of professional talents and established a complete publishing system in the process of development , which laid a solid foundation for the new China .

  29. 中外高校编辑出版教育在课程设置上有许多相同之处。中外高校编辑出版类专业在课程设置上的差异也非常明显。

    There are many similarities in arragement of curricula for publishing education between Chinese and foreign colleges and universities .

  30. 其次,以出版学、人才学、管理学等相关领域的理论知识为基础,阐述了出版专业人才的相关核心概念和内涵,分析了加强高校出版社专业人才管理的现实意义。

    The main contents and innovative point of this article were also clarified . Secondly , based on the theories in all related fields , this dissertation described the relevant core concepts of publishing talents management and analyzed the practical significance of strengthening the publishing talent management .