
chū kǒu xǔ kě
  • export licensing
  1. 这种出口许可制度没有任何阴险或者见不得人的东西。

    There is nothing sinister or conspiratorial about the export licensing system .

  2. 162.中国代表确认,中国将遵守有关非自动出口许可程序和出口限制的wto规则。

    162 . The representative of China confirmed that China would abide by WTO rules in respect of non-automatic export licensing and export restrictions .

  3. 北京咨询公司亚洲金属网(AsianMetal)的彭韦韦(音)表示,市场上的价格影响将是有限的,而且尚不清楚哪些公司将获得出口许可。

    The price impact in the market would be limited , said Peng Weiwei , analyst at Beijing consultancy Asian Metal , and it was unclear which companies would receive permission to export .

  4. FDA可能撤销出口许可的批准,或贵场地在审药品申请的批准,直至上述违规行为得到整改。

    Additionally , FDA may withhold approval of requests for export certificates , or approval of pending drug applications listing your facility , until the above violations are corrected .

  5. 其中的一名研究员伊恩•斯图尔特(IanStewart)表示,商家并未要求提供最终用户证明,而且商家也没有该产品的出口许可证。

    Ian Stewart , one of the researchers , said the merchant did not request an end-user certificate , nor did the merchant have an export licence for the product .

  6. 2006年实行出口许可证管理的46种货物(312个8位HS编码),分别实行出口配额许可证、出口配额招标和出口许可证管理。

    There are46 commodities subject to export license in2006 ( 312 HS codes of8 places ) . They are separately subject to export quota license , tender of export quota and export license .

  7. 向iri海关机构提供必要的保证金,以便获得承包商清关及承包商设备的临时进口及再出口许可;

    Provide necessary guarantee to the IRI customs authorities in order to obtain the contractor 's customs clearances and temporary import and re-export permit of the contractor 's equipment ;

  8. 要从这家东京公司直接采购这种碳纤维,需要有日本经产省(METI)下发的出口许可证以及两页长的最终用户证明。

    To buy it directly from Tokyo-based Toray requires an export licence from Japan 's Ministry of Economics , Trade and Industry and a two-page end-user certificate .

  9. 本厂生产的真丝面料,持有出口许可证。

    Pure silk produced By our factory possesses export license .

  10. 在京的中央管理企业的出口许可证。

    Issue export license for other goods stipulated by Ministry of Commerce .

  11. 外商投资企业出口许可证商品计划;

    Export plan of FIEs for products under export licenses ;

  12. 出口许可证申请人应与外贸部联系。

    Applicants for export licenses should contact the Ministry of Foreign Trade .

  13. 中国煤炭、焦炭出口许可证变脸

    The Evolvement of Coke & Coal 's Export Licences

  14. 还有成千上万种更多的产品很快将获得出口许可。

    And tens of thousands of more items will become available very soon .

  15. 而一旦出口许可,就很少受到监督了。

    And , once granted an export license , they are minimally supervised .

  16. 由受益人出具一份正本证明,证明不需要出口许可证!

    The beneficiary 's statement certifying that no export license is required in1 original .

  17. 如果所交付的货物需要出口许可证,我们应被立即告知。

    We must be notified immediately if the delivered goods require an export license .

  18. 出口许可证申请的审批时间一般为3个工作日。

    A decision on the request for an export licence normally took three working days .

  19. 补偿贸易项下出口许可证管理的货物;

    The goods subject to export license administration exported under the item of compensation trade ;

  20. 出口许可证备注栏内应当注明“货样”字样。

    The word " Sample " should be indicated in remarks column of export license .

  21. 出口许可证修改证明书

    Certificate for alteration of export permit

  22. 商务部可以同时取消其已获得的纺织品临时出口许可数量。

    Ministry of Commerce may cancel the obtained provisional textile export quantity at the same time .

  23. 出口许可证修改申请书

    Application for alteration of export permit

  24. 其中一些国家曾请求美国颁发出口许可证,但遭到了美方拒绝。

    Several of those were turned down by the US when they asked for export licences .

  25. 出口许可申请书;

    Export permit application form ;

  26. 申请出口许可证涉及如此繁琐的程序,以至于我们变得非常灰心丧气。

    EXAMPLE : Applying for an export license involved so much rigamarole that we became quite frustrated .

  27. 实行网上申领出口许可证的,按照有关程序和规定办理。

    Applying for export license through inter-net should be handled in accordance with related procedures and regulations .

  28. 我国政府迄今已发布总共有152种商品需在获得出口许可证后才允许出口的商品目录。

    Our government has announced a list of 152 commodities which are permitted for exportation under licenses only .

  29. 英特尔公司向美国政府申请了出口许可证,以出口数万芯片帮助天河2号计算机的升级。

    Intel applied for a licence to export tens of thousands of chips to update the Tianhe-2 computer .

  30. 出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。

    An export licence , an insurance policy , a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection .