
  1. 综述可见,目前中国男篮是在“根子”上出现了问题,换什麽国字号主帅、选什麽球员入队都是“浮云”。

    To sum up , the problem is from the bottom , which means whoever the head coach and players , it is just the symptom .

  2. 据中国足协介绍,在人员管理、薪酬体系、外事出访、财务和市场开发、国字号球队教练人选等方面,中国足协都已经有了自主权。

    The CFA said they will enjoy autonomy in personnel management , pay rate setting , foreign visits , finance , marketing and selection of national team coaches .

  3. 分析中国女足衰退的原因,着重针对校园足球发展、青训体系、竞赛体系、教练员培训、国字号队伍的建设以及基础教育等方面进行比较分析。

    Emphasis on campus football development , youth system , competition system , the training of coaches , national team construction and basic education and so on comparative analysis .

  4. 民俗文化无论是从大传统和小传统的角度,还是从民俗控制的角度来分析,都是民间“国”字号评选中不容忽视的视角。

    Folklore culture is a subject that can not be ignored from perspective of both the Great Tradition and the Little Tradition or from perspective of Folklore Control .

  5. 第二章分析了我国传统老字号法律保护的现状,指出了老字号权利冲突的表现形式以及产生的原因。

    The second chapter analyses the legal protection of traditional name of a shop , pointed out the old right of traditional forms and the causes of conflict .

  6. 我国的老字号餐饮企业,不仅有着悠久的历史和久负盛名的声誉,而且也是我国传统餐饮文化的代表。

    The Chinese historical restaurant brands are not only have a long history with the great reputation , but also represent the traditional diet culture of our country .

  7. 第三章比较了国际公约及以美国、德国和日本等主要国家对商号进行知识产权保护的情况,在分析的基础上总结出境外经验对我国中华老字号知识产权保护的启示。

    The Chapter III has introduced the situation of the intellectual property protection of trade names in international conventions and major countries such as the United States , Germany and Japan , then summed some experiences for our reference .

  8. 第二章从立法和实践两方面分析了目前中华老字号知识产权保护的现状,并在此基础上指出我国对中华老字号在知识产权保护方面存在的几点不足之处。

    Chapter II has analyzed the current status of the intellectual property protection of the China Time-honored Brand both from legislation and practice , pointed out some shortcomings of this status .