
chuán sòng
  • eulogize;be widely read;be on everybody's lips;be eulogized everywhere;sb.'s praises are being sung everywhere
传颂 [chuán sòng]
  • [eulogize] 传播颂扬

  • 全村人传颂着他英勇救人的事迹

传颂[chuán sòng]
  1. 他的英勇事迹在印度各地广为传颂。

    His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India .

  2. 白求恩大夫的国际主义精神,一直为中国人民广泛传颂。

    Praises for Dr. Bethune 's spirit of internationalism are always on the lips of the Chinese people .

  3. 当地群众中传颂着他的英雄事迹。

    His heroic deeds are continually on the lips of the local inhabitants .

  4. 出席。:唇吻派对。:在…之中流传。比如:雷锋精神一直为中国人民广泛传颂。lipservice口惠,空口的应酬话,口头上说得好听的话。

    make an appearance kiss on the lips party on the lips of Lei Feng 's spirit has always been on the lips of the Chinese people .

  5. 他待人谦和,愿意发表具有远见的公开演讲,在自己领导的白色家电企业海尔(Haier)早期一则广为传颂的关乎道德的故事中担任主角。

    He has a deferential entourage , a willingness to make visionary public speeches , and he figures in a much-cited morality tale from the early days of Haier the white goods company he heads .

  6. 现在,对于这棵树,我也产生了这种传颂它的冲动。

    That 's what I felt like doing about the tree .

  7. 教堂的钟声洪亮地传颂着圣诞快乐的信息。

    The church bells are pealing the message of Christmas joy .

  8. 约翰·济慈的颂诗诞生以来一直广为传颂,经久不衰。

    Keats 's odes have been popular ever since their appearance .

  9. 历代涌现出许多著名演奏家,也是历史文化名人,代代传颂至今。

    A number of famous performers emerged in past dynasties .

  10. 下面是人民传颂的众多有关他的故事中的一则。

    Here is one of the many stories people told about him .

  11. 如今他的言论和事迹在全国广为传颂。

    Today his words and deeds are celebrated throughout land .

  12. 荷兰人一直都传颂着圣尼古拉的传说。

    The Dutch kept the legend of St. Nicholas alive .

  13. 我迫切希望能变成个舞蹈传奇,能在历史中为人传颂著。

    I aspire to be a dance legend that is remembered in History .

  14. 能让一方百姓永久传颂和怀念的!

    Can let what eulogize and yearn for one party common people is permanent !

  15. 你知道瓦尔登已经开始传颂你的故事了吗?

    Did you know the people of the Varden already tell stories about you ?

  16. 直至今日,人们仍然传颂着布托先生的超凡领袖魅力。

    Even today people talk of Mr Bhutto as a man of great charisma .

  17. 烈士们的英勇事迹在广大群众中传颂着。

    The heroic deeds of the martyrs are on the lips of the broad masses .

  18. 如果世人传颂我的故事,让他们说我曾与英雄同在。

    If they ever turn my story let them say that I walked with giants .

  19. 你英武的名字应传颂。

    Your mighty names shall sound .

  20. 牧羊人将这种果子送给传教士,并被一个相当长的人群进行传颂。

    The shepherd took his animals'discovery to some monks , and very long prayer sessions ensued .

  21. 几个世纪以来,这些优美的诗行一直被世人传颂。

    For centuries , these memorable love poems have been in circulation among lovers around the world .

  22. 人们不断传颂他如何从火灾破坏中抢救出无价财宝的故事。

    The story of how he saved inestimable treasures from destruction in the fire was often re-told .

  23. 他以多个化名环游世界,他的冒险也在巴黎传颂一时。

    He travels the world using a number of names and his adventures are the talk of paris .

  24. 其“墨海中立定精神”的主旨被后人广为传颂。

    Their " standing in the spirit of Mexico " was the main thrust of future generations widely famous .

  25. 他的故事在由连姆·尼森主演的7项奥斯卡获奖影片《辛德勒的名单》中被永久地传颂。

    His tale was immortalised in the seven-time Oscar winning film , 'Schindler 's List , 'starring Liam Neeson .

  26. 上周五晚上,邵姑娘的事迹被医院医生在社交媒体上广为传颂,感动了许多人。

    Shao 's story was shared on the social media last Friday night by doctors and moved many people .

  27. 他们当时创作的一些著名作品直到今日还被人交口传颂。

    They wrote some of the most famous poems of their time which are still recited to this day .

  28. 西方国家运用预算管理成功的经典案例,已在中国广为传颂。

    Classic case of success the use of budget management in Western countries , has been widely honored in China .

  29. 这个赛季第三周的周最佳的称号让大家兴高采烈,争相传颂。

    The Player of the Week honor three weeks into the season that had teammates beaming from ear to ear .

  30. 他一生中创作了几十首诗歌,其中多篇家喻户晓,广为传颂。

    He creates more than a hundred poems during his lifetime , among which many are widely known by people .