
  1. 该模型在传统权利描述模型的主体、权利、资源三元组上加入义务和条件因子,结构上设计为一个XML绑定的许可证模型,使其具有可操作性。

    This model adds the constraint and obligation elements to the traditional core set which consists of subject , right and resource . Structurally it is designed into a XML-bound certificate model , which makes it more exercisable .

  2. 他说,政府的贪污腐败比村民对土地的传统权利更加强势。

    He says government corruption is stronger than the people 's traditional rights to the land .

  3. 普通股拥有所有权的传统权利&投票权、股利分享权和清算资产的剩余产权。

    Common stock possesses the traditional rights of ownership-voting rights , participation in dividends , and a residual claim to assets in the event of liquidation .

  4. 他的理想是通过普通法的大学教育教化新兴的中产阶级,以维护英国人的传统权利。

    His ideal was to safeguard the traditional rights of Briton by the education of the emerging middle class in the university about the common law .

  5. 信息网络技术的发展打破了版权保护领域原有的权利和利益格局,版权传统权利的性质需从新加以认定。

    The developments of information network technology have destroyed the already existing pattern of fights and benefit in copyright territory . It is thus necessary to reestablish the nature of rights in copyright system .

  6. 在权利部分,论证了作为行政给付传统权利基础的生存权和现代权利基础的受益权,指出了行政给付权力权利化的现实可行性,并翔实论述了行政给付相对人和相关人的权利。

    On rights , by discussing the right of life as the traditional basis and beneficial right as its modern one , the author pointed out the feasibility of administrative supply power turning into administrative supply rights and reasoned fully and accurately the rights of counterparts and relative parts .

  7. 这正在打破传统的权利结构,让传统的阶层界限变得模糊。

    This is disrupting traditional power structures and leveling traditional hierarchy .

  8. 恢复古已有之的传统、权利、礼仪等

    Restore ancient traditions , rights , ceremonies , etc

  9. 传统的权利理论不足以对权利发展进行可靠的证明,而将权利解释为社会可供资源与人的内在需求的契合,不仅能说明权利的产生,也可以阐释权利的发展。

    It is impossible for traditional theories of rights to prove the development of rights .

  10. 这正在打破传统的权利结构

    This is disrupting traditional power structures

  11. 传统民事权利客体中并无信息的独立地位,不利于信息的民法保护。

    There is no tradition of civil rights information objects independent status , is not conducive to the protection of information in civil law .

  12. 与平等、自由等传统基本权利不同,社会基本权利的实现不能仅停留在国家不予侵犯的层面,而是更加需要国家的积极行为予以辅助。

    Different from such the basic traditional rights as fairness and freedom , its realization more often needs national assistance , rather than no infringement only .

  13. 传统的权利客体理论建立在有体物为社会主要财产形态的历史基础上,认为物是权利的客体。

    The traditional theories of right object deemed that things were the body of rights , based on the history foundation that things were the social main property .

  14. 大陆法系由于法典化传统和权利类型化的弊端,导致强调权利保护、忽视法益保护的问题。

    As the disadvantages of codification and right classification in civil law system , civil law system emphasizes the protection of rights , and ignores the protection of legal interest .

  15. 向公众传播权与传统传播权利的区别在于其传播行为具有交互性、继续性和公众性的法律特征。

    The difference between Right of Communication to the Public and traditional right of communication is that it has characteristics of mutuality , proceeding and publication in the mode of communication .

  16. 诉权学说的进步、传统诉讼权利能力原则的发展提供了赋予胎儿当事人能力的理论可能性,现实生活中的种种困境也使得赋予胎儿当事人能力具有了现实的必要性。

    Litigation , the progress of the traditional theory of the litigation rights ability development provides gives the principle of fetal party ability possibility , a variety of difficulties in real life makes a fetus parties ability has endowed the necessity of reality .

  17. 它的出现,对传统的民事权利理论尤其是物权理论提出一系列的挑战。

    It challenges the traditional civil rights theory , particularly the theory on jus ad rem.

  18. 各国行政诉讼原告资格的判定标准经历了从传统的法定权利标准向利益标准转变的过程。

    The criterion of the standing has changed from legal rights to interests in history .

  19. 传统著作权权利限制的合理性构成网络环境下著作权权利限制的理论基础。

    Traditional copyright restraint forms the theoretical foundation of the copyright restraint under the environment of network .

  20. 传统的基本权利分类已经不足以作为对基本权利进行规范分析的框架。

    The traditional taxonomy of fundamental rights has been not an appropriate framework for normative analysis of fundamental rights .

  21. 根据英国传统,一切权利归于上帝,国王会在一个基督教仪式上被加冕。

    According to British Tradition all power is vested in God , and the monarch is crowned in a Christian ceremony .

  22. 用传统的“权利穷竭理论”和“地域性理论”来论证平行进口的合理性及合法性存在先天不足;

    It is inadequate to justify the rationality and legitimacy of parallel import with the traditional regional theory and right exhaustion theory .

  23. 传统的民事权利能力理论认为,自然人的民事权利能力始于出生,终于死亡。

    The traditional theory of legal capacity for private rights believes that the civil rights of a natural person begins at birth , and ends with death .

  24. 它原本是为了适应网络环境下著作权保护的需要而产生的,但网络环境的复杂性却又使它在现实中的适用比传统的专有权利困难。

    It was originally in order to meet the needs of copyright protection under the network environment , but the complexity of the network made it difficult to apply in practice .

  25. 由于环境损害的受害人是整体意义上的人类,环境损害的侵害对象环境利益并非传统的实体权利,而是一项法益。

    Since victim of environmental damage is the overall humanity , environment interest , as the object of environmental damage , is by no means tradition substantial right , but a law profit .

  26. 与此同时,高速发展的信息网络一方面给精神权利的发展带来了千载难逢的机遇,另一方面也使传统的精神权利保护制度经受着前所未有的冲击和挑战。

    On one hand , the high-speed development of information-network brings a golden opportunity to moral rights . On the other hand , the traditional protected system of moral rights stands an unprecedented challenge .

  27. 究其原因,根据我国我国传统的诉讼权利理论,由于环境公益诉讼的提起缺乏适格的主体,将不能普遍有效地约束和制裁某些侵害环境公共利益的行为,最终使得这些违法行为逍遥法外。

    According to our traditional theory of right appeal of action , we can not take effective restriction and sanctions on those who damage the environment public interests without punishment as environmental interest legist ration lack of appropriate appeal body .

  28. 传统上宪法权利的司法适用分为间接适用和直接适用,但都是针对公权力而言,而兴起的“对第三人效力”理论则对该传统理论提出了挑战。

    Traditionally the application of the constitutional rights in judiciary is classified into the indirect and the direct application , which only aim at checking the public power , but the theory of " the effect on third party " formed in Germany is challenging the traditional idea .

  29. 因无法提供基本的财务保障、很多员工没有获得足够的工时,以及不能享受与传统雇员同等职业权利等问题,“零时工合同”一直饱受诟病。

    The contracts have been criticized for not offering a basic level of financial security , many workers not being given enough hours and not having the same employment rights as those on traditional contracts .

  30. 公民资格理论传统中的社会权利观念:有效性及其限度

    Concept of Social Rights in Citizenship Theory : Validity and Limits