
The braying of an ass does not reach heaven .
The signal never reaches the brain .
My voice doesn 't carry well .
Or wherever cannot reach them the sound of the sea bell 's Perpetual angelus .
Distinguishing of Concealed Septal Accessory Pathway and Atrioventricular Node Reentrant Tachycardia Using the Ventricular Extra-Stimulus During Tachycardia His Bundle Refractory
Liz : The teacher 's words never seemed to reach me . Words just seemed ... fall on the floor .
Unfortunately , as we lovingly remember this person , our words fall short of the ears that most needed to hear them .
After a spider bite , an insect 's brain continues to telegraph messages down its nerves , but the instructions never get delivered to the muscles .
Commonly there are two kinds of situations which cause national image crisis , one is caused by a crisis event , and the other is caused by improper communication .
No reflection of light , no sound from inhabited land , no roaring of the ocean could have reached them , through the obscurity , while suspended in those elevated zones .
Osiris is one of most important and worshiped gods in Ancient Egypt , about his myth spreaded and lasted more than three thousand years throughout the history of Ancient Egypt and had a far-reaching influence on religion and kingship .
For instance , one of Chinese ancient philosopher Confucius 's well-known sayings about self-introspection is : " Every day I do self-inspection on three aspects : Were my suggestions to others betraying his own perspective ? Was my conversation with classmates and co-believers not congruent with the facts ?
The decoder is as easy to be implemented in hardware as an error-trapping decoder , and can be used when R < 1 / t is not available .
Attractive fathers do not pass their looks on to sons .
The study of feasibility for the non-stopping gear changing system
Material non linearity is considered in both the normal and the tangential directions of the joint .
Our propaganda fails to promptly reflect and publicize certain urgent tasks and refute what the enemy alleges .
I throw open my windows and from the yard outside came the hot uncommon sounds of bibulous laughter and unsteady steps .
We could n 't hear the speaker at the back of the hall because her voice does n 't carry very well .
Jinan East Gate at the back of old , once Evening News reported , several generations , and Chuan-Chuan female infants do not .
However , as Tonggu Foundry Technology " ST is not exported " or " male-female " to have been lost after the Qing Dynasty .
Just because of such artistic merits , Romance of Three Kingdoms has achieved greater success than other historical novels , and has been a best seller for centuries .
Lower water-based ink viscosity , greater the dot gain . In addition it will result in color dim , density reduction , lower definition , ink transfer poorly .
What is my reward then ? That preaching the gospel , I may deliver the gospel without charge , that I abuse not my power in the gospel .
Every day I examine myself time and time again : have I been unfaithful in giving counsels to others ? Have I been insincere in getting along with my friends ? Have I failed to review what I have been taught ?
To counter the problems of large amount of calculation , complex structure , uncertain bearing and transfer load in the design of the engineering of allocating water from the south to the north of China , we want to seek a simple and convenient method of structure design .
I had no words to explain with , not even images to explain .
But theres also some bad news .
Buddhism needs the state to spread its teachings ; without the state , how can the teachings be realized ?
On the far side of the catapult , a muffled voice called out a challenge . Who goes there ?