
  • traditional custom;traditional ritual
  1. 论维吾尔族婚礼中的传统习俗

    The Discussion on the Traditional Customs in Uyghur Wedding Ceremonies

  2. 苗族传统习俗与苗区精神文明建设

    Traditional Customs of Miao Nationality and Construction of Spiritual Civilization

  3. 传统习俗要求女孩子必须尽早结婚。

    Tradition dictates that girls should be married off early .

  4. 人们按传统习俗朝他们抛撒大米。

    They were showered with rice in the traditional manner

  5. 尽管她不想遵循传统习俗,但她还是在21岁的时候就怀孕并且结婚了。

    Despite her wish to defy convention , she had become pregnant and married at 21 .

  6. 按照传统习俗,人们会dressupincostumes(穿戴一些特别的服装,面具或者装饰)来吓跑鬼魂。

    According to tradition , people would dress up in costumes ( wear special clothing , masks or disguises ) to frighten the spirits away .

  7. 文身是傣族男子中的一种传统习俗。

    Tattoo used to be a traditional custom among the Dai people .

  8. 少数民族传统习俗教育对现代素质教育的启示

    The Revelation of the Traditional Minority Custom Education to Modern Quality Education

  9. 现在新的习惯已经融进到旧的传统习俗中去。

    Now new customs have grafted on to old traditions .

  10. 她是一位喜欢无视传统习俗的年轻女子。

    She is a young woman who enjoys flouting conventions .

  11. 是的,这可能是中国人的传统习俗。

    David : Yeah , that 's a part of Chinese culture .

  12. 于是,他们试图打破固有的传统习俗。

    As a result , they try to break with established traditions .

  13. 按照传统习俗,他们的房子朝东面而建。

    According to custom , their house was built facing the east .

  14. 在四月一日作弄人是一个传统习俗。

    It 's a tradition to play tricks on people on April1st .

  15. 为什么不能融合点哥伦比亚传统习俗进去

    Why can 't we mix a couple of Colombian traditions in ?

  16. 中国传统习俗及仪式他们以传统方式出席仪式。

    Chinese customary rites and ceremonies They worship in the traditional manner .

  17. 你可以了解一些中国的传统习俗。

    You 'll learn something about the traditional Chinese practice .

  18. 影响妇幼健康的传统习俗问题工作组

    Working Group on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children

  19. 我认为你敢于反抗传统习俗是很勇敢的。

    I think you were brave to defy convention .

  20. 其传统习俗保留着纯朴的信仰观念与远古的仪式。

    The festival traditional customs preserve pure and simple belief and witchery ceremony .

  21. 根据传统习俗,人们在四月一日相互捉弄和开玩笑。

    By tradition , people play jokes on april .

  22. 安徽省是一个具有悠久传统习俗的省份,文化底蕴深厚。

    Anhui was a province with age - old tradition and rich culture .

  23. 插茱萸和赏菊也是重阳节的传统习俗。

    It is also the traditional custom to wear cornel and admire chrysanthemums .

  24. 节假日的安排应有助于传承传统习俗及文化。

    The legal holiday arrangement should help pass on traditional customs and culture .

  25. 下面哪一项不是立夏的传统习俗?

    Which one is NOT the Summer Begins'traditional customs ?

  26. 蒙古牧区曾经的狩猎,捕狼的传统习俗也随之在消亡。

    Consequently traditional custom of hunting wolf has vanished as well in the region .

  27. 端午节吃粽子是另一传统习俗。

    It is also customary to eat Zongzi .

  28. 中国什么传统习俗正在消失或者有消失的危险?

    Eg. what traditions in China are disappearing or are in danger of disappearing ?

  29. 中国的传统习俗中,民间的喜庆活动都要使用红颜色。

    Chinese traditions and customs , civil activities must use a cheerful red color .

  30. 和新邻居分享我们的传统习俗也可以使我们和新邻居更亲近。

    Sharing our old customs can also bring us closer to our new neighbors .