
  • 网络cleistogenes squarrosa
  1. 结果表明:退耕还林工程,促进了植被的正向演替;天然草地不是以单优种为建群种,而是由本氏针茅和糙隐子草共同组成建群种。

    The results showed that Conversion from Cropland into Forest projects promote positive vegetation succession ; Natural grassland is not a priority species for a single species , but by the Stipa bungeana and Cleistogenes squarrosa for species together .

  2. 两种放牧制度糙隐子草均为欠补偿生长(P>0.05)。

    So were the Cleistogenes squarrosa under two grazing systems ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. 因此,糙隐子草与食草动物的关系,在适牧条件下可能是互惠的,即既可提高牧草的光合效率和利用效率,又可提高动物的生产;

    From this study , it appears that the plant_ herbivore association might be regarded as mutualistic in moderate grazing because not only the ANPP of the population was increased , but also was the efficiency of herbage utilization .