
quán wēi xìng
  • authority;finality
权威性 [quán wēi xìng]
  • (1) [authority]∶具有权威者的特征的性状

  • 特别精制的和有权威性的一张唱片录音

  • (2) [finality]∶完美无缺的性状

  • 他的自传的真正的权威性

权威性[quán wēi xìng]
  1. 他的一切工作都具有权威性。

    All his work bears the stamp of authority .

  2. 现在欧共体越来越有自信与权威性了。

    The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority .

  3. 向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂的作品的作者们祝贺。

    The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work .

  4. 关于小儿麻痹症的第一篇权威性研究报告发表于1840年。

    The first authoritative study of polio was published in 1840

  5. 阿曼达就合约给出了权威性的阐述。

    Amanda launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts .

  6. 现在有一种推翻公立学校校长权威性的趋势。

    There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches .

  7. 他的评论听起来很有权威性。

    His comments sound very authoritative .

  8. 在旅游区,应强调规划的权威性。

    In the tourist zone , should emphasize the authoritativeness of planning .

  9. 判定结论性、权威性地决定或解决(纠纷等)

    To decide or settle ( a dispute , for example ) conclusively and authoritatively .

  10. 因此,上帝的话-将祂自己权威性的救赎应许赐给了人-必须是自证的

    Thus , a word of God , giving his own authoritative promise of redemption , must be self-attesting .

  11. 公共危机管理具有紧迫性、危险性、权威性、人本性和系统性五个基本特征。

    Urgency , danger , authoritativeness , human itarianism and systematicness are the five basic characteristics of public crisis management .

  12. 中方反对滥用贸易救济措施的行为,这不仅损害中国企业的合法权益,也损害世贸组织规则的严肃性与权威性。

    China took the move in hope of safeguarding the legitimate rights of Chinese enterprises , as well as to support the multilateral trading system and the authority and effectiveness of the WTO .

  13. 传统时期,权威性资源(AuthoritativeResources)即行政力量的资源对城市的影响力远在经济力量之上。

    In traditional period , the Authoritative Resources namely the resource of administrative power is more powerful than economy upon the influence on cities .

  14. 国际海底管理局(InternationalSeabedAuthority)的权威性亦可能引发争议,这个设在牙买加的机构负责管理未被任何国家申领的土地。

    One potentially contentious area is the authority of the International Seabed Authority , the Jamaica-based body that governs territory unclaimed by any state .

  15. NS-2是最具权威性的网络仿真软件之一。

    NS-2 is one of the most authoritative network simulation software .

  16. 结果显示政治演讲中的频繁出现的含糊代词we,常用词family还有权威性词语如truth,都能增加演讲的说服性。

    After an analysis , the author finds that the frequent use of vaguely defined pronouns we . common words family , and authoritative words truth can enforce the persuasion of political speech .

  17. CMM是目前国际上最具权威性的一种软件生产过程改进和软件企业软件过程能力评价标准,已经得到了国际软件产业界的认可。

    CMM is the authoritative appraisal criterion about the software production and process ability , which is accepted by the international software enterprises .

  18. 在有关短波自动链路建立系统的标准中,最具特色和权威性的就是美军标MILSTD188141A。

    The US Military standard MIL-STD-188-141A is much characteristic and authoritative among the standards of ALE ( automatic link establishment ) .

  19. DOM是一种W3C标准,由于和其他编程语言的一致性,对于开发人员来说,为DOM增加了不少权威性。

    DOM is a W3C standard , which gives the DOM a lot of authority with developers due to its consistency with other programming languages .

  20. 用注入热函法测定漂白液中H2O2的含量法的权威性;

    Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Bleaching Liquid with Direct Injection Enthalpimetry ( DIE ) Method However , the essential content of law has its own form which is the inner structural character .

  21. 网页链接的主题相关性影响页面的权威性计算,传统的HITS算法仅从页面的链接结构评估页面的权威性,易导致主题漂移。

    The topic relevance of hyperlink affects the authority evaluation , the conventional HITS readily leads to the topic drift occurred by the conventional method of hyperlink induction search .

  22. 操作性风格的MDM支持操作性系统消费主数据以执行事务,而MDM存储库作为主数据的权威性数据源。

    The operational style of MDM supports the consumption of master data by operational systems to perform transactions , and the MDM repository is considered the authoritative source of master data .

  23. SNA经过几十年的发展,形成了一套颇具权威性的国民经济核算体系。

    With tens years of development , SNA has formed a complete set of authorized national accounts system with its all-around content , compact structure and unique ways ;

  24. 在CSS2规范中,可以找到浮动属性的权威性定义和行为原则。

    The CSS2 Specification provides the definitive definition and behavior rules for the float property .

  25. MDMReferenceArchitecture支持对多个主数据领域采用多种MDM使用方法,可???维护跨领域关系,提供为企业维护权威性主数据源所需的功能。

    The MDM Reference Architecture is designed to support the multiple MDM methods of use for multiple master data domains , to maintain cross-domain relationships , and to provide the required functionality to maintain an authoritative source of master data for the enterprise .

  26. 文章指出,AICPA推出的网誉认证准则与规范以行业惯例为内容,具有跨越国界的、全球化的特征,这种规范在行业内部具有极大的权威性。

    The article points out that " Webtrust Principles and Criteria " established by AICPA consists of criteria of CPA craft and is characteristic of globalization .

  27. 法的权威性与其适用性是不可分离的。

    The authority and application of law can not be separated .

  28. 在失业保险的管理和监督上,缺乏统一性和权威性;

    The management of unemployment insurance lacks oneness and authority ;

  29. 在企业中提供权威性的主数据源

    Provides the authoritative source for master data within the enterprise

  30. 细胞计数法测定细胞的黏附能力;法的权威性;采用胶原凝胶黏附法检测细胞的黏附功能。

    The cell adhesion ability was measured with collagen gel attachment lest .