
wán kù
  • A dandy;silk clothes—rich family
纨绔 [wán kù]
  • (1) [silk trousers] 用细绢做的裤子,泛指富家子弟穿的华美衣着

  • 出与王、 许子弟为群,在于绮襦纨袴之间,非其好也。——《汉书·叙传》

  • (2) [sons of the rich]∶后世称富家子弟

  • 纨袴不饿死,儒冠多误身。——杜甫《奉赠韦左丞丈二十二韵》

  1. 越说越离谱了。切!将纨绔进行到底。

    Wan Ku will be carried out in the end .

  2. 纨绔主义的困境,深刻反映了审美现代性中的矛盾命题。

    The dilemma of dandyism deeply reflects the paradox of aesthetic modernity .

  3. 满载着畅饮雪利酒的上流社会子弟纨绔的游艇。

    A yacht full of upper-class dandies drinking sherry .

  4. 本文将其分为审美型纨绔子和智力型纨绔子两类。

    In this paper , dandy is divided into two types : aesthetic dandy and intellectual dandy .

  5. 一个放荡的纨绔少年从他姑妈那里继承了一大笔遗产。

    A gay young spark I knew , who happened from his aunt great riches to inherit .

  6. 苏珊刚一离婚,所有的纨绔少年都把她当作自由猎取的对象了。

    As soon as Susan was divorced , all the young men-about-town looked on her as fair game .

  7. 纨绔子的审美趣味主要体现在生活方式和消费方式上,尤以服饰最为典型。

    The aesthetic taste of dandy is reflected by the way of his life and his consumption style , especially the way he dressed .

  8. 纨绔主义作为一种自觉的审美性处世风格,其体现的是现代人通过赋予生活审美形式,以寻求自身价值和生活意义。

    As a secular living manner as well as a pursuit of aesthetic judgment on arts , dandyism typically reflects the aesthetic nature of modern culture .

  9. 纨绔主义在19世纪欧洲的发展演变过程,也是审美性因素在这个运动中不断增强的过程。

    The developing and changing process of dandyism in Europe in 19th century was a process in which aesthetic judging factors were successively enhanced in this movement .

  10. 王尔德力求以美对抗现实的丑恶黑暗,他用不道德的言论来表达道德的思想,用旧道德的沦丧来求得新道德的回归,用纨绔子的姿态表现了一种唯美主义式的极端道德批判。

    Wilde tried to resist the dark reality and to express moral thoughts in unmoral opinion . His criticism is in an extreme way and in a kind of dandy 's posture .

  11. 这些纨绔子弟犯下种种罪行,但常能逍遥法外。苏珊刚一离婚,所有的纨绔少年都把她当作自由猎取的对象了。

    These profligate sons of the rich used to get away with all sorts of crimes As soon as Susan was divorced , all the young men-about-town looked on her as fair game .

  12. 纨绔主义自身蕴涵的矛盾以及它与资本主义社会现实之间的冲突,在这个过程中不断激化,终于使其陷入唯美与媚俗、先锋与颓废的尴尬处境。

    The contradictions existing intrinsically in dandyism itself and the conflicts between dandyism and the reality of capitalism society were also enhanced in this process and eventually entrapped dandyism into a dilemma between aestheticism and Kitsch , between pioneer and decadence .
