
  1. 一个放荡的纨绔少年从他姑妈那里继承了一大笔遗产。

    A gay young spark I knew , who happened from his aunt great riches to inherit .

  2. 苏珊刚一离婚,所有的纨绔少年都把她当作自由猎取的对象了。

    As soon as Susan was divorced , all the young men-about-town looked on her as fair game .

  3. 这些纨绔子弟犯下种种罪行,但常能逍遥法外。苏珊刚一离婚,所有的纨绔少年都把她当作自由猎取的对象了。

    These profligate sons of the rich used to get away with all sorts of crimes As soon as Susan was divorced , all the young men-about-town looked on her as fair game .
