
fēng fáng
  • hive;apiary;any of the six-sided wax cells in a honeycomb;nucleus;hornet nest
蜂房 [fēng fáng]
  • (1) [apiary]∶饲养蜜蜂的场所;尤指蜂群或蜜蜂种群储存蜂蜜的蜂巢

  • (2) [hornet nest]∶蜜蜂用分泌的蜂蜡造成的六角形的巢;像蜂一样的

  • 蜂房水涡,矗不知其几千万落。--唐. 杜牧《阿房宫赋》

蜂房[fēng fáng]
  1. 趁养蜂人不在家时,一个小偷溜进蜂房,偷走了所有的蜂蜜。

    A thief found his way into an apiary by , they made for him with their stings .

  2. 于是所有居民,不分贵贱,人人刻不容缓地收拾行李,涌出莫斯科好像涌出蜂房。

    Then all , the great and small , each blessed soul alive , Packed up without an hour 's delay and from the walls of Moscow streamed away like swarm of bees that leaves the hive .

  3. 蜂房芽孢杆菌B-91几丁质酶的合成条件

    Synthetic Conditions for Chitinase of Bacillus alvei B-91

  4. 智能天线对CDMA蜂房系统容量的影响

    Effects of Smart Antenna on Capacity for Cellular CDMA System

  5. 关于码分多址(CDMA)蜂房系统的容量

    On the Capacity of a Cellular CDMA System

  6. 码分多址(CDMA)蜂房移动通信上、下行链路带宽非对称划分的分析

    Analysis of the Asymmetrical Bandwidth Partition between Uplink and Downlink in CDMA Cellar Mobile Communication

  7. 中药露蜂房蛋白对人红白血病K562细胞增殖的影响

    Effects of nidus Vespae protein on proliferation of human leukemia K562 cells

  8. 中药露蜂房醇提取物对人红白血病K562细胞的生长抑制及凋亡诱导作用

    Inhibitory effect of Nidus Vespae alcohol extract on human leukemia K562 cells

  9. 用LEO卫星辅助地面蜂房网实现切换的方案

    Using LEO Satellite System to Support the Handoff of Ground Celluar Networks

  10. 在CDMA蜂房移动通信系统中利用短信息格式传送表态数宇图像的研究

    The Research of the Still Digital Image Transmission by SMS of the CDMA Mobile Cellular Telecommunications System

  11. 一种蜂房移动通信中基于Voronoi图的基站管理方法

    A Method of Managing Site Based on Voronoi Graph in Cellular Mobile Communication

  12. 这种多元化、多层次的受众需求与媒介提供的多种可能结合在一起,形成一种类似蜂房结构的多种小众化传播构成的结合体,就是我们这里所说的Group。

    This media diversity , matching the increasingly diversified and multi-layered audience needs , generates a new communication model , based on niche communication network that takes a cellular structure , which we referred as " Group " .

  13. 专用模式下的MS不仅对服务蜂房的无线链路实时地进行检测,还要试图同步临近蜂房,并检测其无线接收电平。

    MS in dedicated mode not only detects the quality of radio path of the serving cell in real time , but also attempts to synchronize the neighbour cell and measure its signal level .

  14. 该天线阵列用于TDSCDMA基站系统中。一种自适应的扇型微蜂房式带宽预留通信模式

    The sectored array antenna is applied to the base station of TD SCDMA . A Self-adaptive Bandwidth Reservation Scheme for Sectored Cellular Communications

  15. 在对CDMA蜂房移动通信系统短消息中心进行研究的基础上,对通过短信息的格式传输静态数字图象的可行性作了探讨。

    In this paper , after the research of the short message center , a transimission methed of the static digital image by the short message of the CDMA mobile cellular telecommunications system is presented .

  16. 中药露蜂房水溶性蛋白NV-PP-4的分离纯化及部分理化性质鉴定

    Isolation , Purification and characterization of NV-PP-4 from Nidus Vespae

  17. 目的研究中药露蜂房蛋白(NVP)抗白血病的作用,为中药露蜂房治疗白血病和开发新的抗白血病药物提供实验和理论依据。

    Objective To study the mechanism of protein extracted from nidus vespae protein ( NVP ) on anti-leukemia and provide experimental and theoretical evidence for exploring new anti-leukemia drugs .

  18. 结论:中药露蜂房蛋白成份有明显抑制K562细胞的作用,其作用机制可能是通过调节凋亡相关信号传导因子NF-κBp65、-βcatenin及iNOS的表达,从而诱导白血病细胞凋亡。

    Conclusion : The protein of Nidus Vespae can inhibit the proliferation of K562 cell significantly and regulate the apoptosis by inhibiting the expression of NF - κ Bp ~ ( 65 )、β - catenin and iNOS .

  19. 本文考察了聚丙烯蜂房式管状滤芯(SS-P01P25)对自来水中悬浮胶体颗粒物的去除能力。

    Studies the removing ability of honeycomb type polypropylene filter ( SS-P01P25 ) for colloid in water .

  20. 目的研究中药露蜂房纯化蛋白(nidusvespaeprotein-Ⅱ,NVP-Ⅱ)对急性髓系白血病(AML)患者骨髓单个核细胞(BMMNC)的作用并探讨其机制。

    Aim To study the effect of purified protein extracted from Nidus Vespae ( NVP - ⅱ) on bone marrow mononuclear cells ( BMMNC ) of the patients with acute myeloid leukemia ( AML ) .

  21. 这个地方被称为“蜂房”(Hive),长期以来都有无拘无束的编程员和创新者搬进搬去,其中有很多人来到旧金山是为了逃离硅谷那极其单调、却被人尊崇的气氛。

    The hive , as the place is known , has long played host to a rotating cast of free-spirited programmers and innovators , many of whom come to San Francisco to escape what they regard as the stultifying atmosphere of Silicon Valley proper .

  22. 目的研究蟾皮、全虫、蜂房(CQF液)对小鼠前胃癌及癌前病变的阻断作用及其相应机理。

    Objective To investigate intervention and mechanism of forestomach cancer and precancerous lesions in mice by Chanpi , Quanchong and Fengfang mixed liquid ( CQF liquid ) .

  23. 一种自适应的扇型微蜂房式带宽预留通信模式

    A Self - adaptive Bandwidth Reservation Scheme for Sectored Cellular Communications

  24. 蜂房移动电话基站若干参数探讨

    An exploration on same parameters of cellular mobile telephone base station

  25. 比蜂房下滴的蜜更甜;

    The drop honey is sweeter than the honeycomb cell under ;

  26. 对蜂房手机近场平均功率密度测试的探讨

    Study of Near-field Testing of Average Power Density for Cellular Phone

  27. 不能生育的蜜蜂,专职觅食和维护蜂房。

    Sterile bee specialized to collect food and maintain the hive .

  28. 记得蜂房边上那块土豆地吧?

    You know the potato field next to the hives ?

  29. 一股蜂蜜的香味从蜂房里飘上来。

    A scent of honey wafted up from the hives .

  30. 相反,它倒是对蜂房里的蜂蜡颇为倾心。

    But it does like the wax in the bees ' honeycomb .