
wēi xínɡ xiǎo shuō
  • mini story;short-short story
  1. 论简洁而精当的美国微型小说

    On the succinct , precise and appropriate American short-short story

  2. 本文以美国作家凯特·肖邦所创作的微型小说《一个小时的故事》为例,分析和探讨微型小说独特的语言、结构等方面的特点,及其对浓缩于其中的人生和现实生活的反映。

    With a detailed analysis of " The story of an Hour " in the aspects of its theme , language and structure , this paper intends to explore how human experience and social life are vividly reflected in a mini story .

  3. 申平的《爱情纽扣》是一部较为成功的微型小说作品。

    Love Button is a successful miniature novel by Shen Ping .

  4. 江苏成为微型小说创作中心的标志和成因分析

    Jiangsu as the Center of Mini-fiction Writing : Marks and Reasons

  5. 论微型小说现代性的审美特征

    On the Aesthetic Characters of Modern Micro - fiction

  6. 论微型小说的审美场及其创设

    On Aesthetic Fields of Miniature Novels and Their Establishment

  7. 古今微型小说在叙事时间人文化方面更多表现出一种承继关系。

    Ancient and modern micro-fiction shows cultural inheritance relations in personalized narrative time .

  8. 陡转与诗化:微型小说结尾艺术论

    A Dissertation of Mini Stories ' Artistic Ending on Sharp-turn Ending & Poetic Ending

  9. 树立精品意识繁荣微型小说

    Foster Fine Works Consciousness and Prosper Subminiature Novel

  10. 接受美学视界中的当代微型小说

    The Reader ′ s Acceptance of Contemporary Mini-novel

  11. 浅议技工课本中微型小说的结尾艺术

    Comment on the Ending art of the Mini-novel

  12. 中国当代微型小说发展及动向

    Development and Orientation of Contemporary Mini-novels in China

  13. 微型小说:一种较理想的写作训练文体

    Mininovel : A New Style for Writing Practice

  14. 微型小说理论研究的缺失

    Absence of Theoretical Research on Mini Novels

  15. 当代文学境域下的中国微型小说发展态势研究

    A Study on the Developing Conditions of Chinese Mini-fiction under the Circumstances of Contemporary Literature

  16. 微型小说的环境描写,依托于具体的景与物的描写。

    Environmental descriptions of micra-novels , depend on descriptions of the sight and the sub-stance .

  17. 心态式微型小说艺术变化摭谈

    On Art Styles of Psychological Mini Novels

  18. 草根文学的一大奇观&新时期微型小说成因探赜

    The Wonder of Grass-roots Literature & Cause Study on the Mini-fiction in the New Period

  19. 微型小说的属性分析

    Attribute Analysis of the Mini-Novel

  20. 微型小说的绿色通道

    Green Passage of Miniature Novels

  21. 从新加坡微型小说看中外文化意识的融合与冲突

    View on Harmony and Contradiction in the Cultural Consciousness Between China and Foreign Countries from Singapore 's Mini-stories

  22. 微型小说虽然篇幅短小,其写作依然要遵循小说文体的规范。

    Although micronovel is of small size , rules style should still be complied with for its writing .

  23. 微型小说是小说家族的一个重要成员,近年来呈现出越来越兴旺繁荣的发展趋势。

    As a rising star of recent years , the development of the Micro-fiction has become more and more prosperous .

  24. 虽然微型小说在刻画人物方面没有力量与其他小说媲美,但它也要塑造人物。

    Although micro-fiction can not rival other novels in depicting people , depicting people is indispensable to a micro-fiction work .

  25. 而微型小说叙事时间的结构类型也有三种:横向展示式、纵向概括式和长短镶嵌式。

    The structure of Micro-fiction in narrative time includes three types : horizontal display , general type and length of vertical mosaic .

  26. 小说作为一种文学体裁,它有自己的创作规律和基本属性,对于微型小说来说,也同样适用。

    As one of literary genre , the novel having its own pattern of creation and basic attributes , is suitable for mini-novel .

  27. 微型小说不等同于“小故事”,它要求作品的内涵要深藏隽永,对“意境”、“蕴藉”的追求成为其美学原则。

    Unlike a short story , it requires profound and meaningful connotations and to seeks artistic conception and embodiment is its aesthetic principle .

  28. 单纯求变、迅捷简洁的节奏特征是由微型小说的文体特征和审美功能所决定的。

    Eager to change , rapid and brief rhythm are characteristics of the Micro-fiction , which is dependent on the stylistic features and aesthetic function .

  29. 从这个过程中也可看到微型小说的特色、优势和不足,从而,对作者的创作产生一定的互动影响。

    From this , we can find that the characteristics , strength and shortcomings can have certain amount of interactive influence on the writer ′ s creation .

  30. 微型小说在叙事时间的处理上有着与长篇小说不一样的特点,主要表现在时空的跨度和历史的容量上。

    Micro-fiction narrative has different characteristics from the novel about processing time , which is mainly in the span of time and space and history of volume .