
  • 网络microsoft server
  1. 解释了微软服务器端组件MTS以及涉及的永久上下文技术。

    In addition , it explains what is Microsoft server-side components , such as Microsoft Transaction Server ( MTS ) and the technology of persistent context .

  2. MTS(MicrosoftTransactionServer:微软事务服务器)是Microsoft基于组件的三层C/S(Client/Server:客户机/服务器)结构的核心部件。

    MTS ( Microsoft Transaction Server ) is a kernel of Component-Based 3-tier Client / Server .

  3. 我们在该解决方案中集成了UNIX的某些技术,如ClusterView。这一技术可用于监测多个微软群集服务器。

    We have the solution some technology brought over from the Unix side of the house , called Cluster View , which makes it possible to monitor multiple Microsoft Cluster Servers .

  4. 同时,德国电梯业巨头蒂森克虏伯公司(ThyssenKrupp)则将110万台电梯的速度、电机温度等数据存储于微软的服务器群组。

    Meanwhile , German elevator-maker ThyssenKrupp stores data from 1.1 million elevators like speed and motor temperatures in Microsoft 's server farms .

  5. 有很多原因,你不希望您的作业系统连接到微软的服务器,它是出于实际原因,无论是怀疑或干脆唯心主义。

    There are many reasons why you wouldn 't want your operating system connect to Microsoft 's server , be it for practical reasons , be it suspicion or simply idealism .

  6. 本文重点讲述WindowSDNA中的核心技术MTS(微软的事务服务器)。

    This paper mainly explains the core technology of Windows DNA , MTS ( Microsoft Transaction Server ) .

  7. 借助大规模部署软件(比如LanDesk套件,或者微软软件管理服务器(MicrosoftSoftwareManagementServer)),我们可以快速安装和删除代理软件包。

    Combined with mass-deployment software ( such as LanDesk suite or Microsoft Software Management Server ), we can install and remove the agent package in minutes .

  8. 本文基于NT操作系统强大的网络功能,着重介绍了网络互连时Novell的Netware服务器在微软的NT服务器上进行的集成方案,以及与Netware匹配的各类型网络服务。

    In this paper , based on NT powerful function in network application , the interlink between MS NT server and Novell Netware Server was briefly introduced .

  9. 我们在业内率先经销微软的群集服务器,该服务器可为两个计算节点提供共享存储器。

    We were the first in the industry to ship Microsoft Cluster Server , which provides shared storage between two computing nodes and automatically restarts an application on another node if one fails .

  10. ASP(ACTIVESERVERPAGES)是一种由微软公司开发的服务器端技术。

    ASP ( Active Server Pages ) is server-side technology developed by Microsoft .

  11. 在原型系统的设计的过程中,采用了微软提供的动态服务器页面(ASP)技术提供Web服务,并使用MS-ACCESS作为后台数据库进行数据存储管理。

    In the process of designing this prototype , Active Server Page ( ASP ) provided by Microsoft is used to support the Web service and MS_ACCESS is used to manage the storage of data as a background database .

  12. 微软公司的事务服务器结合TCOM组件技术和3层应用模型,为开发分布式的组件系统提供了良好支持.该文就基于MTS的应用开发进行了讨论,最后给出一个VC++开发的实例。

    Microsoft Transaction Server combines COM technique with the three-tiered application architectures , providing support for distributed component based system . This article discusses about programming for MTS , and gives an example of MTS component developed using VC + + .

  13. 微软公司的互联网服务器设计使各种信息服务以类似的方式工作。

    Microsoft Internet Server is designed such that the various services work in a similar manner .

  14. 而微软正好相反,采用了混合云策略,客户可以在微软的服务器上储存和处理部分数据,而另一部分数据则放在自己的服务器上。

    Microsoft , in contrast , uses a more hybrid approach in which customers can store and process some of their data with Microsoft while doing the rest on their own servers .