- Voice recorder;digital voice recorder;Recorder Pen

Throughout the interview , the author used the voice recorder to record the content of the interview .
If you have voice recorder , please record the lecture to share with others who are interested but can not attend ;
But if you want an affordable way to capture intelligible dialogue , Mr. Staniforth recommended the Zoom H1 ( $ 100 , zoom . co.jp ) .
The internal battery of the recorder pen is lithium battery can be charged and used anytime .
Reporter ( R ): Have you your recorder with you when you are having this interview ?
I said I want to bring my recorder , it is because Hong Kong media is very sensitive .
The writing task was undertaken individually and a tape recorder was used to record the whole process of thinking-aloud .
So I started the interview from her recent suggestion that when artists being interviewed , they should bring along their own recorder .
The experiment is conducted in three laboratories . In the end , the stories they told are recorded in the tape and then transcribed .
When I say I want to bring a recorder , because I don 't like things to be twisted from true fact , I have to protect myself .
Over the years , most of us have bought at least one of its cameras , binoculars or digital voice recorders , without much thought to its executives and board .
The researcher has taken part in their lesson-evaluating activities for 9 times , and recorded the entire process with a voice recorder or a digital camera to collect information . In analysis of the typescripts , the researcher understands how they evaluate lessons .
Journalists know that the best moment in the interview often comes when you put away your pen and say , " Thank you so much for your time . " Then the interviewee - freed from your barrage of questions - tells you the thing she had been wanting to say all along .