
chéng bàn
  • undertake;contract to do a job
承办 [chéng bàn]
  • [undertake;contract to do a job] 承接经办

  • 这事由广告公司一手承办

承办[chéng bàn]
  1. 要是你愿意承办这件事,我将不胜感激。

    If you will undertake the affair , I shall be very grateful .

  2. 律师可能拒绝承办他认为站不住脚的案件。

    The Lawyer may refuse to undertake a case which appears to him unsound .

  3. 我们现在的工作多半是承办婚宴。

    Most of our work now involves catering for weddings .

  4. 谁在承办婚宴的酒席?

    Who 's doing the food for the wedding reception ?

  5. 尽管出现经济衰退,他们的酒席承办业仍然景气。

    Their catering business remained strong despite the recession .

  6. 投标承办酒席的有六家商号。

    There were six bidders for the catering contract .

  7. 谁来承办婚宴?

    Who will be catering the wedding ?

  8. 他最近承办了一次总统招待会的宴席。

    He recently did the catering for a presidential reception .

  9. 承办酒席现在可能占酒吧营业额的近1/4。

    Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover .

  10. 不应该自命不凡地嘲笑大学里的酒席承办和时装设计课程。

    There should be no snobbish mockery of catering or fashion design as university subjects .

  11. 他也承办派对的饮食吗?

    Does he cater parties too ?

  12. 这一切还嫌不够,一个承办酒席的服务人员竟然在切奶酪时割伤了手指。

    To top it all off one of the catering staff managed to slice their finger cutting cheese .

  13. 该律师经手承办这宗案件。

    The lawyer undertook the case .

  14. 这件事由他一手承办。

    He has taken on the whole task by himself .

  15. 谁承办你女儿的婚宴?

    Who 's catering your daughter 's wedding ?

  16. 项目的推迟意味着,新的主体育场不会在2019年之前建成,而日本将在这一年承办世界杯橄榄球赛(RugbyWorldCup)。

    The delay means the new stadium will not be completed by 2019 , when Japan is due to host the Rugby World Cup .

  17. 近年来,随着中国成功加入WTO和顺利承办2008奥运会,需要现代的教育体系与国际社会沟通已成为迫切的问题。

    With China entering WTO successfully and preparing to host the 2008 Olympics , a more modern educational system that prepares people to interact with global society is urgently needed .

  18. 想看更前卫的景观,就去都市狂欢(UrbanSpree)画廊,这个高能量艺术馆位于斯普利河附近一座后工业时代的街区,平时这里也承办艺术盛典。

    newer on the scene is Urban Spree , a high-energy gallery in a postindustrial complex near the Spree River , which also hosts art events .

  19. 承办机构中国对外贸易中心(chinaforeigntradecentre)副主任刘建军表示,中国供应商对展位的需求,超出了组织方所能提供的数目,同时,外国买家的兴趣骤增。

    Liu Jianjun , deputy director of the China Foreign Trade Centre , which oversees the event , reported more demand for stands from Chinese suppliers than could be accommodated and a sharp increase in interest from foreign buyers .

  20. 在任务完成前,我们将一起度过3年时间,接着我会被派往下一个项目:希望我会被派到多哈为承办2022年卡塔尔世界杯(WorldCup)而新规划的地铁项目。

    We 'll have had three years together by the time the work is done , then I 'm off to the next job - hopefully the new underground rail system in Doha for the 2022 Qatar World Cup .

  21. 颁奖典礼将会在好莱坞高地中心举行。本次典礼直播将继续由美国ABC电视台承办,超过225个国家可以看到这场盛事。

    The ceremony will take place at the Hollywood & Highland Center in Hollywood , and will be televised live by the ABC Television Network to more than 225 countries .

  22. TurningpointSolutions公司投标获得上海第47届世界交易所联盟大会等大型活动的承办权;

    Turningpoint Solutions was the bidding winner for hosting large events such as the47th Conference of World Federation of Exchanges in Shanghai ;

  23. 他们租赁了真正的婚礼举办地点,雇佣了宴席承办者、花匠和DJ,让一切看上去与真正的婚礼一模一样。

    They rent out real wedding locations , hire caterers , florists , and DJs , and make everything look like a real wedding .

  24. 2008年,中国借奥运会的承办展示了IPv6的可利用性,随着中国用户的不断增加,IPv6也在有条不紊地推行着。

    In2008 , China showed that it could host the Olympic games using IPv6 , and with the increasing number of Chinese users , the national strategy to roll out IPv6 is well underway .

  25. BT模式是由BT承办方进行投融资、建设和移交,BT主办方进行回购并支付回购价款的一种项目融资建设模式。

    BT mode is a financing mode for construction project in which the BT organizer carries out financing , construction and transfer , and then the BT host repurchases the project and pays for it .

  26. 不得批准拍卖赛鸽,以下情况除外:即拍卖赛鸽是由会员协会在奥林匹克大会的承办地举办或由FCI执委会举办。

    Racing pigeons are not authorized to auction except for the following cases : the racing pigeon auction is held at where the Olympiad Colombophiles is undertaken or held by FCI Committee Director .

  27. 比格文化传播有限公司很荣幸可以成为中国网球协会以及ITF的承办方来运营这次的戴维斯杯的比赛。

    It is without a doubt a tremendous privilege honor for our company , Beijing International Group , to be the management group for the China Tennis Association ITF for Davis Cup in China .

  28. 由法国教育咨询公司Emerging设计并委托、由德国市场研究公司Trendence承办的第三届年度全球就业能力调查(GlobalEmployabilitySurvey),让招聘人员和资深跨国公司高管描述出他们心中的理想大学毕业生以及培养这种大学毕业生的理想高校。

    The third annual Global Employability Survey , designed and commissioned by the French education consulting firm Emerging and carried out by the German market research firm Trendence , asked recruiters and senior international executives to profile an ideal university graduate - and the ideal university producing such graduates .

  29. 亚太地区高血压学术会议为亚太地区最高水平的高血压相关疾病的研讨会,由APSH的成员申请后承办。

    The asia-pacific region hypertension conference for the asia-pacific region to the highest level of hypertension related diseases by members of the conference , APSH after application to undertake .

  30. 承办成本飙升的消息是上周末由日本公共广播电视机构NHK首先报道的。如果消息属实,这届东京奥运会的承办成本将比2012年伦敦奥运会的承办成本(87.7亿英镑)还要高。

    The claims of the spiralling costs were first reported by Japan 's public broadcaster NHK at the weekend and if true would make the Tokyo Olympics even more expensive than the 8.77bn cost of hosting the London 2012 games .