
  • 网络Japan Inc
  1. 日本精工株式会社(NSK)位于藤泽的这家工厂生产的轴承,看上去很像是500年前达芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)勾画的原型,但该公司的成本仍相当可观。

    The bearings produced by the NSK factory in Fujisawa may look a lot like the prototypes Leonardo da Vinci sketched five centuries ago , but the company still has plenty of costs .

  2. 上海环球金融中心开发商日本森大厦株式会社(moribuilding)首席执行官森稔(minorumori)表示,按照目前的发展速度,上海有可能在10年内超过东京。

    Minoru mori , chief executive of Mori Building , the developer behind the Shanghai World Financial Center , says the rapid pace at which the Chinese city is growing could see it overtake Tokyo in less than a decade .

  3. 稻盛和夫是电子产品制造商-日本京瓷株式会社(Kyocera)创始人,在科技界打拼了几十年,曾经担任日本一家最主要通讯公司的董事长。

    The founder of electronics maker Kyocera spent decades in the technology industry and served as chairman of one of Japan 's top telecommunications companies .

  4. 日本涂料株式会社先进企业遂宁市百货公司

    Nippon paints company the Suining City Department Store wins Government Award

  5. 日本电气株式会社计划今年售出五千面“体温镜”。

    NEC Avio plans to sell 5000 units of the Thermo Mirror this year .

  6. 因为这座101层的上海环球金融中心,是由日本森大厦株式会社历时十多年建成的。

    Over a decade in the making , the101-storey Shanghai World Financial Centre is being built by Mori , a Japanese developer .

  7. 日本东光株式会社创立于1955年,是一家综合性电子设备制造商,专业生产线圈相关产品及电子陶瓷和半导体产品。

    TOKO , found in1955 , is a comprehensive electronic device manufacturer that provides coil-related products , as well as electro-ceramic and semiconductor products .

  8. 日本电气株式会社红外技术公司最近研发出一款“体温镜”,可以“照”出发烧等流感症状。

    Japanese firm NEC Avio Infrared Technologies has announced the development of a mirror that can detect flu-like symptoms , such as a fever .

  9. 莱宁(中国)公司是日本莱宁株式会社在大连市成立的一家外商独资企业,专营不定型耐火材料的生产与销售。

    Lining Company of China is an exclusively foreign-owned enterprise set up by Lining Japan Company . The company specializes in producing and marketing amorphous refractories .

  10. 这两家公司于日前宣布,他们将与该动画电影的原制作方--日本东宝株式会社合作,在动画情节的基础上打造成一部真人电影。

    The two companies announced that they will work with Japan-based Toho Co. , Ltd. , the producers of the original animated film , to develop a live-action take on the story .

  11. 日本电气株式会社表示,这款“体温镜”可在公司接待处、学校、医院、以及其它公共场所使用,而且还可以替代机场使用的更昂贵的体温测量仪。

    NEC Avio said that it expects that the device will be used in corporate receptions , schools , hospitals and public facilities , but it could also replace more expensive technology used in airports .

  12. 她告诉我公司的开门生意是一位非阿拉伯的有钱主顾日本伊藤忠商事株式会社(itochucorporationofjapan),对方正寻求在英国购置资产。

    She tells me the company started with a non-Arab paying client , Itochu Corporation of Japan , which was seeking to buy assets in the UK .

  13. XXX原料从日本天野株式会社进口,是低聚糖中效果最好的品种之一。

    XXX raw material imports from Japan Amano Co. , Ltd. , which is one of the best effect varieties in low polyose .

  14. 本文介绍了日本富士化工株式会社的FRP管道缠绕规律(简称富士缠绕规律),讨论了该规律在我国缠绕机上的应用。

    Filament winding principle for winding FRP pipe formulated by Japanese Fuji Chemical Company is introduced in this paper and its application in filament winding machine made in China is also discussed .

  15. 学习和借鉴了JR东日本旅客铁道株式会社、北京铁路局发展多元化经营的成功经验,从中得到了有益的启示;

    Study and use JR east railway Corporation , Beijing Railway Bureau development successful experience that pluralism deal in , passenger of Japanese , for reference , have got beneficial enlightenment from it ;

  16. 日本东丽工业株式会社(TorayIndustries)生产的高强度碳纤维深受竞赛自行车和喷气式飞机制造商喜爱,它们碰巧又是制造超声离心机的绝佳材料,而超声离心机被用于浓缩制造核弹所需的铀。

    The high-strength carbon fibre made by Japan 's Toray Industries is eagerly sought after by the makers of racing bikes and jet aircraft . It also happens to be perfect for supersonic centrifuges used to enrich the uranium in nuclear bombs .

  17. 日本松下电器株式会社

    Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , Ltd , Japan

  18. 日本野村证券株式会社

    Nomura Securities Co , Ltd , Japan

  19. 日本中国石材株式会社

    China Stone Corporation , Japan

  20. 近年来,国内外相关科研单位和企业在污泥热解法处置技术的开发方面开展了大量的工作,并取得了丰硕的成果,日本巴工业株式会社开发的污泥连续高速碳化技术就是其中的优秀代表。

    In recent years , domestic and foreign research institutes and enterprises have done a lot of work on sludge pyrolysis technology .

  21. 日本松下电器株式会社是这样,我们江门松下电器配件有限公司自建成以来经营状况很好。

    Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , Ltd , Japan You know , National Electrical Parts Jiangmen Ltd. has been operating well since its establishment .

  22. 利用河海大学与日本圆井株式会社共同研制的一种新型的多功能静动三轴仪进行了不排水循环扭剪试验。

    Tests with the static-dynamic dual purpose triaxial compression test apparatus which was manufactured by Hohai University and Japan Round Well Company have been completed .

  23. 先后说服日本东海橡塑株式会社、日本二宫产业株式会社、香港森隆公司、济钢集团、无锡蓝力等一大批企业来中国投资建厂。

    He had persuaded many enterprises to make investment and build factories in China , such as TRHF Japan , Ninomiya Japan , Hong Kong Salon , Jinan steel , Wuxi Lanli , and so on .

  24. 介绍了日本关西涂料株式会社在中国的四个合资企业情况,汽车涂料的品种、组成、性能指标,提出了降低成本、尽快国产化的建议。

    The article has described the four joint ventures of Japan Kansai Paint Company in China , the varieties , compositions and technical specifications of its automotive paints . It also provided comments for reduction of product cost and speeding up of the localization .

  25. 然而,切洋葱“催人泪下”的历史终于要结束啦!因为日本House食品集团株式会社即将推出世界上首个“无泪洋葱”。

    However , your days of getting teary-eyed in the kitchen may be coming to an end as Japanese company House Foods Group prepares to launch the world 's first tear-free onion to the market .

  26. 在向香港联合交易所(HongKongStockExchange)提交的文件中,长江实业表示将购买45架飞机,同时与日本的三菱商事株式会社(MitsubishiCorp)组建合资企业,并持有60%的股份。

    In a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , Cheung Kong said it will buy 45 aircraft outright and buy a 60 % stake in joint venture with an arm of Japan 's Mitsubishi Corp.

  27. 日本外贸公司丸红株式会社(Marubeni)估计,今年中国铝产量将增长19%,达到920万吨,而2007年和2008年将分别再增长13%和10%。

    Marubeni , the Japanese trading firm , estimates that Chinese output will rise by 19 per cent this year to 9.2m tonnes , with further increases of 13 per cent and 10 per cent in 2007 and 2008 .

  28. 很多高管担心的是,在自己任内会发生什么,但对此后怎么样则不一定那么关心,日本索尼音乐娱乐株式会社前负责人丸山茂雄(ShigeoMaruyama)在一次采访中表示。

    A substantial amount of senior management is worried about what happens on their watch , but not necessarily worried about what happens after that , Shigeo Maruyama , the former president of Sony Music Entertainment Japan , said in an interview .

  29. 河北国华定洲发电厂2×600MW一期工程烟气脱硫工程,总体设计由日本川崎重工业株式会社负责,河北省电力勘测设计研究院作为分包商承担烟道的详图设计。

    A Japanese heavy industrial company was responsible for general design of the FGD project of 2 x 600 MW for Hebei Guohua Dingzhou Power Plant , phase I and Hebei Provincial Electric Power Survey Design Research Institute undertook the design of detailed drawings as a subcontractor .

  30. 日本三洋电器贸易株式会社

    Sanyo Electric Trading Co , Ltd , Japan