
  • 网络Rights Management;authorization;authority;rbac;access management
  1. 系统采用了面向角色的权限管理设计思想,对角色、岗位、组织、资源和权限等实体进行了精心设计,对各个实体之间的相互关系做了相关配置和分级。

    The system has adopted the RBAC thought and well-designed in role , position , organization , resource and limits of authority . The relationship between those five entities have been configured and classified in system .

  2. 该模型灵活有效地解决了Web系统中的动态权限管理问题。

    It solves authorization management problem highly active .

  3. WebServices中权限管理的分析与实现

    Analysis and Realization of the Power Management in the Web Services Application

  4. 基于Web的系统权限管理实现方法

    Realization Method About Access Control of System Based on Web

  5. Web系统功能权限管理研究

    Research on authorization management on Web system

  6. POWERBUILDER应用中用户权限管理

    Design of user authority in Power Builder application programs

  7. 基于XML与数据库技术的权限管理

    Permission Management Based on XML and Database Technology

  8. 该系统可以用于多数WEB系统中,作为通用的安全权限管理模块。

    This new idea can be used in most of Web systems as a universal security privilege man - agement module .

  9. 通过在授权中扩展了关于授权的可覆盖性、管理能力以及授权者的字段,方便了XML文档的权限管理和用户请求的判断。

    The authorization is extended to include three fields for overriding option , administrative capability and grantor .

  10. 基于AOP的Web系统权限管理

    Permission Management of Web System based on Aspect-oriented Programming

  11. J2EE平台下权限管理的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of privilege management in J2EE platform

  12. 权限管理设施(PrivilegeManagementInfrastructure,PMI),它为用户提供授权访问控制等方面的管理。

    PMI , which means privilege management infrastructure , provides management of authorization for access control .

  13. MIS系统权限管理及标准件

    Authority Management and It 's Standard Component in MIS

  14. 本文介绍了一种基于Web的PDM产品结构树的权限管理方法。

    This paper introduces a method for Right Management of Product Structure Tree in PDM based on Web .

  15. ASP模式下的多视图系统权限管理实现

    Implementation of Authority Management in Multi-view ASP System

  16. ERP动态权限管理与实现

    ERP Dynamic Authority Management and Implementation

  17. 电厂MIS中用户权限管理的探讨与实现

    Discussion and Realization of User Power Management in Equipment MIS of Electric Power Plant

  18. MIS系统权限管理中的安全性问题探讨

    Discussion about security of right management in MIS

  19. 基于模态逻辑的PDM权限管理方法研究

    Research of PDM Privilege Management Based on Mode Logic

  20. ASP技术实现动态权限管理

    ASP Techniques Realizing Dynamic Privilege Management

  21. 用户权限管理是管理信息系统(MIS)设计中的重要环节,是系统安全运行的有力保证。

    User-privilege management is very important in design of MIS and is safe assurance of system .

  22. 基于RBAC模型的权限管理在OA系统中设计和实现

    On Designing of Authority Management in OA System Based on RBAC MODEL

  23. 基于PFC的MIS权限管理的设计

    Design of MIS Authority Management Based on PFC

  24. 文中介绍了一种DBMS权限管理和数据库滥用侦测系统的设计和实现。

    This paper introduces a authorization administration and misuse detection for DBMS .

  25. 基于对称RBAC模型的配置委托权限管理研究

    Profile Delegation Based on a Symmetric RBAC Model in a Trust Management System

  26. 基于AOP自由粒度的柔性权限管理系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of AOP flexible permission management system based on freely granularity

  27. 传统的权限管理已不能很好地满足客户的需求,构建基于Web的多层分布式系统,能将企业的触角延伸到世界的每个角落。

    The traditional rights management already cannot meet the needs of customers , build the multilayer distributed system based on Web , the enterprise can practice to every corner of the world .

  28. 介绍了AOP的基本概念并举例说明SpringAOP在Web系统中权限管理开发的具体应用。

    This paper presents the basic concept of AOP and the practical application of Spring AOP of permission management in Web system .

  29. 然而,不到1年之后,国家版权局(NationalCopyrightAdministration)却表现出了宽容的姿态,似乎愿意容忍那些曾被指扰乱市场秩序的互联网权限管理企业。

    Nearly a year later , however , the National Copyright Administration seems to be willing to tolerate the internet rights management companies it had accused of causing market chaos .

  30. NET开发该授权定义和执行模块,为实现Web应用系统的权限管理提供技术支持。

    The authorization definition module and authorization execution module have been developed by using . NET development tool , for realizing authorization management of WEB application system to provide the technique supported .