
hán zǐ
  • functor
函子[hán zǐ]
  1. 函子■对Df-模X闭包的作用

    The Effect of the Functor ■ on X-hull of D_f-modules

  2. 证明了在一个单纯广群的准层G上的单纯函子X是局部弱等价于同伦纤维。

    We prove that the simplicial functor over a presheaf of simplicial groupoids is locally weakly equivalent to the homotopy fibre .

  3. 赋值模范畴Fm中的张量函子

    Tensor Functors in the Category F_m of Evaluated Modules

  4. 关于扭曲Lie结构范畴中的对偶函子

    On dual functors in categories of twisted Lie structures

  5. 有限集素分类范畴与其伴随群的Hall函子和内自然同构

    Relation of the Prime Partition Categories of a Finite Set to Hall Functors and Inner Natural Isomorphisms of Their Companion Groups

  6. 本文以n维射影几何为基础,用范畴与函子的观点讨论了射影几何中对偶原理与范畴论中对偶原理的一致性,同时还给出了互相对偶的对象NP与N(P)的构造。

    In the paper we discuss consistency property of duality principles in the projective geometry categorical theory , and give constitution of dual objects N_p N_ ( p ) .

  7. 麦基函子Clifford定理的初始证明

    A Reduced Proving of Clifford 's Theorem for Mackey Functors

  8. 关于Hom函子与Tensor函子的投射盖

    Projective Covers on Hom Functors and Tensor Functors

  9. 本文证明了可积U模E的对偶模的若干同构定理,函子D是右正合共变的;

    In this paper , we prove some isomorphism theorems of dual module of integrable U - module E , and functor D is a right covariant functor .

  10. 在第一部分,首先研究Hom函子与直积上积的关系,主要得到同构HomR((?)

    In the first section , we study the relation between Hom functor and direct product & coproduct .

  11. 由伴随函子对导出的Comma范畴

    Comma categories induced by adjoint functors

  12. 一类赋值模范畴中的Hom函子

    A kind of Hom functors in the evaluated modular category

  13. 上面的定理保证量子Schubert函子Hw~O是可以定义的。并且与从函子HW~O(-)到函子Hw~O(-)的自然变换相容。

    The above theorem guarantees that the quantum Schubert functors are well-defined , and are compatible the canonical natural transformation from H ^ ( - ) to H ?

  14. 研究了自然变换函子〈n〉的同调性质,得到函子〈n〉与F,G在忠实性和可加性之间的等价关系。

    In this paper , the properties of the natural transformation functor are considered . The equivalent relations on additivity and faithfulness between F , G , and the natural transformation functor are obtained .

  15. 左R-n模的范畴与Hom函子

    Category of the Left R-n Modules and Hom Functor

  16. 函子的Drazin逆

    The Drazin Inverse of Functor

  17. 合冲模是同调代数中一个非常重要的概念,它在研究复形以及Ext和Tor函子时都非常有用。

    It is very useful when we study the complex and the functors of Ext and Tor . Since the notion of syzygy modules relative to (?)

  18. 在抽象同伦范畴中给出了一个局部化函子的存在定理:设C为抽象同伦范畴,S为C中的态类,若(1)存在关于S的左分数范畴;

    A sufficient condition for the existence of idempotent functors in abstract homotopy categories is given . That is : for abstract homotopy categories C , and some class S of morphisms , if ( 1 ) there exists a category of left fractions with respect to S ;

  19. 引入了一类赋值模范畴Fm及赋值模的张量积概念,并进一步找到张量函子在Fm中存在的条件。

    Introduced the category F m of the evaluated modules and constructed Hom functors , introduced the concept of tensor products for evaluated modules and then find the condition for existence of the tensor functors .

  20. 本文主要研究了半群分次环上的Morita对偶问题,得到了半群分次模范畴上满足某种条件的对偶函子与双分次双模之间的等价关系。

    This paper discuss Morita Duality of semigroup-graded rings , and get a equivalence between duality functor of graded module category and bi-graded bimodule .

  21. 本文首先对HOM(M,N)的定义进行了一般化(当M,N为右C-余模的情况),并在此基础上给出了函子coC和HOM的一些性质。

    In this paper , we first generalize the definition of HOM ( M , N ) ( to the case that M , N are right C - comodules ), and give some properties of the functors coC and HOM .

  22. 对于函子AHom~C、AHOM和coC,我们分别研究了它们的右导来函子并对其上同调群进行了讨论,得出这几个右导来函子之间的联系。

    For the functors _AHom ~ C , _AHOM and coC , we study their right derived functors and discuss the relations between them .

  23. 同时研究Higson紧化在粗拓扑空间范畴的函子性质,并用这种函子性质刻画了Higson紧化的逆极限。

    It is also proved that Higson compactification is a functor on the category of coarse topological spaces and continuous coarse mappings .

  24. 文章给出了三级三角矩阵环Г的定义,通过建立一个等价函子F,证明了三角矩阵代数Г上的有限生成模范畴modГ与Г£是等价的范畴。

    This paper gives the definition of triangular matrix rings of order 3 Γ, and by establishing an equivalent functor F , proved here is also the equivalence between finitely generated module category mod Γ over triangular matrix algebra Γ of order 3 and category Γ £ .

  25. 将Hylleraas氏之著名波动函数对一个电子之各座标积分之,吾人求得正常状态氦单一电子之波动函子。

    The single-electron wave function of the ground state of the helium atom is obtained from Hylleraas ' well-known wave function by integrating the latter over the coordinates of one electron .

  26. 试析斯多葛学派命题逻辑研究中的命题函子理论

    Research on the Propositional Functor in Propositional Logic of Stoicism

  27. 它不具有那些好的函子性质。

    It does not have the nice functorial properties .

  28. 分次环与模范畴上的伴随函子

    Graded rings and adjoint functors over module category

  29. 代数系统与幺函子范畴保函和清洁提单

    Algebraic Systems as Monoidal Functor Categories Letters of Indemnity and Clean Bills of Loading

  30. 自然变换函子的同调性质

    The Homology Properties of the Natural Transformation Functor