
  • 网络Function Symbol
  1. 本文首先分析了GEP函数形式发现的特点,找到影响GEP函数形式发现的主要因素&函数符号集和适应度函数;在此基础上对指数函数形式的不变量进行分析。

    Beginning with the research of characteristics of GEP function form , the thesis find the main factors-a function symbol set and fitness function that effect the mining function , and at the end , it analyses the invariants of exponential function form .

  2. 被程序定义的函数符号可用于构造项或子项,并且还可用作为谓词符号;

    Function symbols defined by programs can constitute terms or subterms and can be used as predicate symbols I the most general unification which is inefficient is not needed .

  3. 利用该算法可以求出系统的传递函数符号表达式及对系统状态方程进行求解,并给出解的符号表达式。

    With the algorithm , one can get the transfer function symbolic expressions and the solution to state functions of the system .

  4. 新方法的突出优点是,在所有设计计算公式中消除了双曲函数符号,使计算大大减化。

    The advantages of the new method are deduction of the hyperbolic symbols in all design calculation equations and great simplifying calculations .

  5. 简单个体词又包括个体变元和个体常元;复合个体词是指由简单个体词添加函数符号产生的。

    Simple individual terms conclude individual variables and individual constants . We can get complex individual terms produced by combination of simple individual terms and a functional expression .

  6. 此外,本系统中的各组原始公理还是自足的,即如想推出只含某些函数符号的永真公式时只须使用相应的公理便成。

    This system is self-suffient in the sense that if we wish to deduce an equality involving only some of the three functions , then we need only to make use of the corresponding axioms .

  7. 对锐角三角函数的符号的认知方面。有30%左右的学生对用符号sin、cos、tan表示锐角三角函数不理解,他们将这些符号理解成代数符号。

    With respect to the cognition about the sign of acute-angle - trigonometric functions , 30 % of the students do not understand the symbols such as sin , cos , tan , which express the acute-angle-trigonometric function , they maybe treat these symbols as algebraic symbols .

  8. 一维迭代函数的符号动力学表示与锁相算法

    Expression of symbolic dynamics of one-dimension iterative function and phase locking algorithm

  9. 带时间参数布尔函数的符号表示及其在计算电路时间延迟中的应用

    Symbolic representation of timed Boolean functions and its application to circuit delay computation

  10. 基于图论的网络函数灵敏度符号分析法

    A Symbolic Analysis Method for Network Function Sensitivity Based on Network Graph Theory

  11. 采样空间被直接分解来取代对加细函数的符号分解。

    Sampling space is split directly instead of using the mask of the refinable function .

  12. 关系矢量-矩阵形式函数的符号约定在此完全用矢量来描述。

    Notational conventions concerning functions in vector-matrix form are summarized here entirely in terms of vectors .

  13. 讨论了计算机学科学术论文中的常量、变量、参数和函数的符号编排规范化问题。

    The editing and composing standardization of symbols of constants , variables , parameters and functions is discussed in computer science papers .

  14. 提出一种滑模控制策略,采用双曲正切函数代替符号函数,消除了抖振。

    Presents a kind of sliding mode controller , to eliminate chattering , use the hyperbolic tangent function instead of sign function .

  15. 文中还给出了在该机器上求出的一些复杂函数的符号微分实例。

    Some complicated symbolic differentials are also given in this paper as examples on the same microcomputer they are given in this paper .

  16. 进而,在滑模控制器中又引入饱和函数取代符号函数,进一步减弱“抖振”现象。

    Furthermore , in order to reduce the chattering phenomenon , the sign function in sliding-mode controller is replaced by the saturation function .

  17. 针对变结构控制中的抖振问题,设计了采用双曲正弦函数代替符号函数的姿态跟踪器。

    For variable structure control chattering problem , the design of the hyperbolic sine function instead of sign function of the gesture tracking devices .

  18. 利用行列式判决图,可以有效而准确地求得被测电路传输函数的符号表达式和计算出其可测性测度。

    Using Determinant Decision Diagrams ( DDDs ), symbolic transfer functions of circuit under test are constructed and its testability measure can be calculated exactly and efficiently .

  19. 根据模糊推理估计集成不确定边界,利用双曲正切函数代替符号函数实现软切换连续控制。

    The integration uncertain border value is estimated by fuzzy inference and the soft switch control is accomplished by tanh ( x ) function replacing sgn ( x ) .

  20. 为了克服终端滑模控制方法中存在的奇异性及抖振问题,设计非奇异终端滑模面,提出了一种自适应非奇异终端滑模控制方法,并采用饱和函数替代符号函数来削弱抖振。

    Moreover , an adaptive non-singular terminal sliding mode control scheme is proposed to solve the singular problem of terminal sliding mode control , in which the saturation function replaces the sign function to weaken the chattering phenomenon of sliding mode control .

  21. 为了克服二值的零交叉决策过程导致的虚假的分片常数图像,利用双曲正切函数代替符号函数,柔和地控制边缘的零交叉点两侧像素的灰度值变化。

    To overcome the false result with piecewise constant regions produced by the binary zero-crossing decision process , a hyperbolic tangent function is used to substitute the symbol function , governing softly the varieties of gray levels of pixels beside the zero-crossing of edges .

  22. 用户C代码函数入口需要符号表

    User C code function entry requires symbol table

  23. 使用Object函数或文本符号的惟一缺点是您不可以多次实例化它们。

    The only drawback to objects that use the Object function or literal notation is that you cannot instantiate them multiple times .

  24. 随机大系统的Lyapunov函数构造与符号计算

    Build of Lyapunov Function for Random Large System and its Symbolic Computation

  25. Object函数和文本符号相似,至于选择使用哪个确实基于开发人员的个人爱好。

    The Object function and literal notation are similar , and the choice of which one to use is really based on the preference of the developer .

  26. 使用Object函数和文本符号的另一个不同点是不用在每次定义属性和方法时提供对象名。

    Another difference between using the Object function and literal notation is that you don 't have to define properties and methods using the object name before each one .

  27. 双电子组态本征函数的3j符号解法

    3j symbol 's solution of proper funtions for the two-electron configuration

  28. 为了削弱变结构控制中的抖振现象,采用饱和函数来代替符号函数。

    In order to eliminate the chattering phenomenon in sliding-mode control , the saturation function is adopted to replace the sign function .

  29. 利用接收信噪比矩母函数和误符号率之间的关系,并且对复球体的球帽表面积做近似处理得到误符号率的下边界。

    Exploiting the relation between MGF of the received signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) and SER , the lower bound of SER is obtained by utilizing the approximation of complex cap surface in this dissertation .

  30. 本文对几类特殊图的强符号控制函数及强符号控制数进行了研究,给出了完全图、完全二部图、路及圈的强符号控制数。

    The properties about strong signed domination function and strong signed domination number of graph have been studied . In this paper , we do some study on the properties of complete graph , complete 2-partite graph , path , cycle and so on .