
  1. 论实践的特点和理论思维的基本原则&对于企业生产经营管理的哲学思考

    On the Characteristics of Practice and Basic Principles in Theoretic Thinking

  2. 第二章主要阐述语言实践的特点以及对英语实践教学提出的要求。

    Chapter two mainly discusses the characteristics of language practice and its requirements on teaching .

  3. 作者同时分析了今日中国立刻城市实践的特点。

    The author also analyses the characteristics of the practice of the " Instant City " of China today .

  4. 不同时代社会实践的特点不同,人的主体性的扩张也就不同。

    Different era has different social practical peculiarities , so as to the subjective character 's expending of man .

  5. 既体现了对马克思主义的继承,又针对不同时期的社会实践的特点进行发展和拓展。

    It not only embodied the inheritance of Marxism , and also expanded it according to the characteristics of different periods .

  6. 根据英语阅读实践的特点,探讨了运用图式理论提高英语阅读效果的途径;

    According to the features of English-reading activity , this paper inquires into an application of the Schema Theory to English reading teaching programme .

  7. 口译实践的特点决定了译员必须在较短的时间内完成解码、编码的全过程,以保证交际的顺利进行。

    The nature of interpretation requires an interpreter to complete the decoding and encoding processes in a fairly short time to ensure smooth communication .

  8. 最后论述了系统的显示技术以及远程测控、数据存贮等扩展功能的实现。本文既体现了工程实践的特点,同时也注意了理论分析与提升。

    At last , the paper studies how to actualize the displaying technology , long-distance measure and control , datas store and print functions , etc.

  9. 生态实践的特点是人与物的统一;是能动创造与培育自然的统一;是人类主体对自身所作的生态性构造。

    Ecological practice is characterized by the unity of the human and material ; is the dynamic creation and foster the unity of nature ; the ecological structure of the human subject .

  10. 本文在承运人认定方面,根据海运实践的特点,着重分析了承运人的识别以及实际承运人和无船承运人相关热点问题。

    In this paper , the carrier that , according to the characteristics of maritime practice , focusing on an analysis of Identification of carrier and actual carrier and NVOCC hot issues-related .

  11. 因而,护理教育应根据护理科学和实践的特点来确定培养目标和课程设置,而不能只是对医疗学科的简单增减。

    Therefore , nursing care education should define its instructional purpose and its curriculum according to the distinguishing features sing science and practice , rather than to simply copy those of science by adding or reducing content .

  12. 本文通过对基本法律修改权的实证分析,探寻该项立法权实践的特点和问题,并在理论分析的基础上寻求解决问题的制度之策。

    By case study on the power to amend the basic laws , this dissertation makes probe into characteristics of and issues in the practice of such a legislative power , and quests for systematic solutions on the basis of theoretical analysis .

  13. 本文从澳大利亚的反倾销管理体制出发,分析了澳大利亚反倾销政策的主要内容,进而考察了澳大利亚反倾销政策及其实践的特点。

    This paper begins with the examination of Australia 's antidumping institutional systems , and then makes an analysis of the main ingredients of Australia 's antidumping policy . Correspondingly , the characteristics of Australia 's antidumping policy and its practice are revealed in details .

  14. 本文分析了商业自动化课程教学实践的特点,提出了实验教学内容的改革应加强基本训练、逐步开设实用性、前瞻性实验项目的观点。探讨了实验教学改革的新思路。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of practical teaching in commercial automation course , presents the view that the reform of the experiment teaching content should strengthen basic training , offers practicable and perspective experiment item progressively , and discusses the new thought of practical teaching reform .

  15. 面向未来,西部大开发为西安交通大学的发展提供了历史机遇。西安交通大学将坚持办学传统和高起点、重基础、严要求、重实践的特点,为建成世界知名高水平大学而奋斗。

    Looking forward to the future , the west region development provides historic opportunity for the great development of Xi'an Jiaotong University . Xi'an Jiaotong University will keep on the school-running tradition and school-running feature of high starting point , thick foundation , strict requirement and stressing practice , and build itself into world famous and high level university .

  16. 远程开放教育成人学生实践教学的特点和方法初探

    Characteristics and Methods of Practice Teaching of Adult Education Modern Distance Education

  17. 西方教育立法实践的发展特点及其借鉴意义

    On the Characteristic of Development of Education Legislation Practice in the West and Its Enlightenment

  18. 浅谈足球技术实践教学的特点

    Characteristics of Practical Teaching of Football Technique

  19. 中小学可持续发展教育具有非独立性、综合性、实践性的特点。

    The sustainable education in primary and secondary schools are characterized by non-independence , synthesis and practice .

  20. 高职院校电类专业实践教学的特点与方法

    Discussion on the Features of and Methods for the Practice Teaching of Electricity Class Specialties of Higher Vocational College

  21. 整体理性认识一般具有深刻性、独创性、先进性、实践性的特点。

    The whole rational cognition generally has the features of profundity , originality , practicality and the quality of being advanced .

  22. 而且,制度本身所具有的操作性、实践性的特点恰恰能够弥补社会技术现存理论体系的不足。

    Moreover , the operational and practical features of the institution have just to make up the deficiencies of the existing social technology .

  23. 研究性学习探索性、开放性和实践性的特点,将促使新世纪体育教师从思想观念、知识结构、工作方式等方面挑战、改变和完善自己。

    With the explosive , open and practical characteristic , research study will make sports teacher change and perfect in ideological idea , knowledge structure and working ways .

  24. 研究性学习具有开放性、探究性和实践性的特点,在实施的过程中也存在许多困惑和难点,例如,如何获得研究资源、课程的管理及评价等。

    In the process of practice inquiry learning , there are also many puzzles and difficulties , such as how to gain research resource , the management and evaluation of the course etc.

  25. 本文针对新闻应用课程实践性的特点,论述在教学中提高学生的实践技能应注意的三个问题:一是将新闻应用理论与新闻实践和学生、教师的实际紧密结合,讲好理论知识。

    To strengthen the teaching and learning of practical skills of it will play a role in students'management ability , and help them get familiar with explosive articles in their practical work .

  26. 语文素养体现了语文的综合性和实践性的特点,是衡量语文教学水平和学生学习水平的主要标志,也是学生全面发展和终身发展的基础。

    It reflects Chinese feature of whole and practice . It is a major mark to evaluate the levels of Chinese teaching and students ' learning , and a basis for students ' overall and life-long development .

  27. 反映了我省的健康教育重理论知识轻实践环节的特点。

    This is a process of passive impartment of knowledge from the teachers , which is also a reflection of the characters concerning the health education in Shandong province : emphasizing the theory ignoring the practice . 4 .

  28. 本文拟就现代计算机网络教学的现状进行分析,以探讨基于网络环境教学互动模式在现代网络教学实践中的特点及优势。

    This paper tries to analyze the modern situation of computer teaching in class so as to prove that " the dynamic teaching methods based on the net environment " is the priority for the modern reforming on the computer teaching methods .

  29. 课程内容的选择也应以培养学生的工程专业能力为导航,更多地体现当代工程实践的新特点。(8)课程结构的优化是我国高等工程教育课程重构的重点。

    The content of the curriculum should be based on the professional engineering ability framework , and reflect the new characteristics of modern engineering practice . ( 8 ) The optimization of curriculum structure is a most important factor of the curriculum restructuring .

  30. 在高等教育领域,因计算机类专业工程实践性的特点,要求众多课程围绕计算机进行实践教学与考核,而计算机上电子文本更易被复制及传播。

    In higher education , because of characteristics of computer specialty focused on engineering applications , the teachers emphasize practice teaching and examination based on computer . However , electronic texts are copied and spread easily by computer . All above factors result in the population of plagiarism directly .