
  • 网络Substantive procedure;substantive test
  1. 有学者提出脑死亡概念,国外也有相关立法,我国脑死亡立法也已进入实质性程序。

    The concept of brain death has been put forward by some scholars , Relative law of brain death has also been made in other countries .

  2. 然后,再通过自下而上的实质性测试程序最终完成审计工作。

    Second , we complete the auditing along the materiality testing .

  3. 详细实质性审计程序

    Detailed substantive audit procedures

  4. 在州与个人(包括公司)关系上,它强调契约自由,阐发了所谓经济上的实质性正当程序;在联邦与各州的关系上,它强调州权,形成二元联邦主义;

    On domestic affairs , the Supreme Court favored the economic " substantive due process " in the state individual ( corporation ) relationship and " dual federalism " in the federal state relationship .

  5. 此种经济性裁员必须符合法律规定的实质性条件和程序性条件。

    Such economic dismissal must conform to both substantive and procedural conditions .

  6. 从发达国家的立法和司法经验来看,对跨国并购都有严格的实质性规定和程序性要求,而中国目前的外资并购虽然已有了长足的发展,但是相关的法律法规仍不完善,不系统。

    From the legislative and judicial experience of developed countries , they have strict substantive regulations and program requirements , while in China , even if it has developed very well , the relevant laws and regulations are not perfect and systematic yet .

  7. 法律程序的形式性与实质性&以对程序理论的批判和批判理论的程序化为线索

    On the Formality and Substantiality of Legal Procedure

  8. 产业政策与产业政策立法存在着密切的关系,产业政策作为立法的实质性内容,产业政策立法就是实质性内容的程序性保障。

    Industrial policy and industrial policy and legislation have close relations , industrial policy as the substantive content of legislation , industry policy and legislation is the substantive content and procedural safeguard .