
  • 网络practical materialism
  1. 说明马克思主义的理论基础是唯物主义,但只有实践的唯物主义,才孕育了马克思主义;

    It proves that : the theoretical foundation of Marxism is materialism , but the practical materialism alone can give birth to Marxism ;

  2. 摘要马克思主义哲学是实践的唯物主义。

    Marxist philosophy is a practical materialism .

  3. 新全球化时代的马克思主义:问题、视界与前景&再论走向交往实践的唯物主义

    The Marxism of the Times of Neo-globalization : Problem , View and Prospect

  4. 马克思和恩格斯在《德意志意识形态》中把自己称作是“实践的唯物主义者”。

    Marx and Engels called themselves " practical materialist " in their literature The German Ideology .

  5. 如果我们把马克思所开辟的新哲学理解为实践的唯物主义,那么,他的新人本主义就是生存(实践)论人本主义。

    If we consider Marx Philosophy as practical materialism , his new humanism can be called practice-survival humanism .

  6. 基于物质生产实践的唯物主义认识论的开创&《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中马克思哲学认识论之探析

    The Creation of Materialistic Epistemology Based on Material Production Practice & Analysis on Marxist Philosophy Epistemology in Economics Philosophy Manuscript in 1884

  7. 在考察哲学史的基础上,阐明了,实践的唯物主义乃是马克思主义哲学的本质特征。

    On the basis of studying philosophic history , it is clarified that the practice of materialism is an essential feature of Marxist philosophy .

  8. 这一理解与我多年来倡导的“交往实践的唯物主义”无论在哲学路向、主要观点及基本范式上都具有高度的一致性和契合性。

    This understanding has high coherence and correspondence with my " materialism of communication practice " in the fields of philosophical approaches , main views and basic mode .

  9. “新唯物主义”或“实践的唯物主义”的阶级基础是无产阶级,无产阶级是其赖以存在与实现使命的“物质武器”;

    He declared that the foundation of his philosophy was " human beings'society ", that was ," Communist society "," new materialism " or " practical materialism " worked for the benefit of proletarian .

  10. 马克思社会和谐思想坚持了其思想体系的一贯精神特质,即历史的、人道的、实践的唯物主义思想。这是我们建设和谐社会的宝贵思想资源。

    Marxist thoughts of social harmony embodies the consistent spiritual characteristics of his ideology , namely , historical , humanistic and practical historical thoughts of materialism , which is the valuable ideological resources in our building the harmonious society .

  11. 马克思哲学的实质是以辩证法的历史逻辑展示自己哲学的时代性的特征,以实践的唯物主义方式植根于现实的生活世界,形成了具有现实旨趣的时代精神的哲学。

    The essence of Marxist Philosophy lies in that it reveals its character through the historical logic of dialectics and that its practical materialism is rooted in life world . Thus , Marxist philosophy is the philosophy of time spirit with realistic purport .

  12. 实践的历史唯物主义&三个代表是对马克思主义在实践中的具体运用与发展前者适用的是辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义,后者适用的是实践的辩证唯物主义、实践的历史唯物主义。

    Historical Materialism in Practice & " Three Represents " Is the Application and Development of Marxism in Practice The former is applicable for dialectical materialism and historical materialism and the latter , practical dialectical materialism and practical historical materialism .

  13. 实践的特性是唯物主义还是唯心主义?

    Is the characteristic of practice materialism or idealism ?

  14. 本文认为,实践的观点是马克思唯物主义和费尔巴哈唯物主义之间的本质区别。

    Practice viewpoint is the essential difference between Marx materialism and Feuerbach materialism .

  15. 而其中真正能够体现马克思哲学本质特征的是以物质实践为基础的实践唯物主义。

    Among these names , only " practice materialism " takes material practice as its basis and embodies in it the intrinsic characteristics of Marxism philosophy .

  16. 唯物主义的实践哲学或实践的唯物主义,并不在于以实践本体论代替物质本体论,它的本体论仍然是辩证唯物主义的物质一元论。

    Materialistic practical philosophy or practical materialism does not lie in replacing " material ontology " with " practical ontology " , its ontology is still material monism of dialectical materialism .

  17. 马克思的哲学革命不是辩证法和唯物主义的简单结合,而是对费尔巴哈的辩证唯物主义的继承和超越,是以实践为核心的新唯物主义。

    Marx 's philosophical revolution is not a simple combination of metaphysics and materialism , but an inheritance and transcendence of Feuerbach 's dialectical materialism , a new materialism assuming practice as the core .

  18. 不是用实践本体论取代物质本体论。而是改变了对唯物主义原则的理解方式,确立了实践的唯物主义。

    Not replace " material ontology " with " practical ontology ", but what it is is to change the understanding methods to materialism principle , and to establish the practical materialism .