
  • 网络unary operation;monads
  1. 在数学系统中的一元运算里一个元素往往只产生一个单一的结果。

    In a unary operation in a mathematical system one element is used to yield a single result .

  2. 关于平面图的几类一元运算图的特征多项式

    The characteristic polynomials with respect to some unary operations on plane graphs

  3. 然后进一步采用一元运算将信息位数增到最大。

    Then by adapting the one-element-operator , the number of information bit increases further to maximum .

  4. 基于上述考虑,在本文中,我们提出了由区间的无限序列组成的区域的概念,定义了区域的一些一元运算和二元关系。

    In respect that , the concept of region which is made up of infinite interval sequence is introduced .

  5. 使关系元组在由外存至主机的流动过程中就并行完成筛选、投影关系代数的一元运算。

    When relational tuples are flowing from mass storage to host via this filter , the unary operations of relational algebra for them such as projection and selection are completed parallelly .

  6. NTL库是开放源代码的自由软件库,它提供了大整数的运算,一元多项式的运算等,遗憾的是,它只提供了一元多项式因式分解,没有提供多元多项式因式分解。

    NTL is a GNU library and the source code is open for us . It can operate large integer and univariate polynomials , unlucky , it only has the univariate polynomial factorization , no multivariate polynomial factorization .