
  1. 一汽解放汽车有限公司车桥分公司营销策略研究

    Research on Marketing Tactics of Axle Works , FAW

  2. 再次,以一汽解放青岛汽车有限公司为例,运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价分析该企业内部控制的情况。

    Then the author uses the methods of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to analyse the internal control of FAW JIEFANG AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY , which is set as an example .

  3. 一汽解放大柴:面对飞跃&访一汽解放汽车有限公司大连柴油机分公司副总经理李连明

    FAW Dalian Diesel : Facing Rapid Development