
  1. 通过对一元强碱滴定同浓度一元强酸及弱酸滴定曲线的绘制步骤,介绍其在绘制酸碱滴定曲线中的应用;

    The application of Excel software in plotting titration curve was introduced through plotting the titration curve of strong base to strong acid and weak acid of the same concentration ;

  2. 本文讨论了离子强度对盐类水解浓度平衡常数影响,指出在一定温度下,离子强度的增大,对一元弱酸强碱盐和强酸弱碱盐的水解浓度平衡常数趋向无影响;

    This paper discusses the effect of ionic strength on saline hydrolysis concentration eguilibrium constant , on a certain temperature conditions , a rise in ionic strength has no effect on weakly alkaline salt and weakly acidic salt hydrolysis concentration equilibrium constant ;