
  1. 但马克南却很喜欢居住于此,因为这儿距离自己公司近在咫尺,上班异常便利。他的全新餐饮理念公司&马克南酒店管理有限公司(BrianMcKennaHospitalityGroup)有250名员工。

    But McKenna – whose catering and restaurant concept company Brian McKenna Hospitality Group has 250 staff – loves the pure convenience of living close to his office .

  2. 但马克南却很喜欢居住于此,因为这儿距离自己公司近在咫尺,“上班异常便利”。他的全新餐饮理念公司——马克南酒店管理有限公司(BrianMcKennaHospitalityGroup)有250名员工。

    But McKenna - whose catering and restaurant concept company Brian McKenna Hospitality Group has 250 staff - loves the " pure convenience " of living close to his office .