
  • 网络jingle ma;Jingle
  1. 马楚成在该片中设置了诸多情节来揭示木兰内心深处的脆弱,这一幕就是其中之一。

    This scene is one of many in Ma ` s film that reveal a deep weakness in the heart and mind of Mulan .

  2. 两部影片的最后,主人公们都完成了自己的使命并大获全胜,但只有一位木兰在谢幕时,如同神仙般抛却七情六欲,想必这正是马楚成导演所期望的。

    In the end , both characters carry out their mission and achieve victory – but only one comes away looking like a god . Which is exactly how Ma the director planned it .

  3. 而在马楚成的影片中,这位中国导演或许也有意强调木兰的个人心路历程,但他从一位统帅,一名代表国家出征的战士角度出发,赋予木兰这个角色更多的内涵。

    While Mulan ` s individual journey may also be highlighted in Ma ` s film , the Chinese director still gives far more weight to her role as a leader and representative of her country .