
  1. 我的马进了水倒一点也不惊慌,虽然打了好几阵冷颤。

    My horse took the water without any fuss , though he shivered a good deal .

  2. 马进教授长期从事临床中医药对于慢性肾盂肾炎的治疗,并积累了丰富的临床经验。

    Professor MaJin is engaged in clinical treatment of chronic pyelonephritis with Chinese medicine , and accumulates a lot of clinical experience .

  3. 我会扮鬼扮马潜进她的病房。

    I 'll enter her sick room disguised as a thermometer .

  4. 国家博物馆的馆长说,我们唯一没带来的就是活马了,但你必须把马收进你的50件文物里。

    The national museum 's curator said the only thing we haven 't got here is live horses , but you must include this in your 50 objects .

  5. 侯爵问,我还是把他称作哥哥吧。那哥哥刚下了马,穿着靴子进到屋里。

    Asked the Marquis , whom I will still describe as the elder brother , coming booted into the room from his horse .