
  • 网络Valerie;Valérie Trierweiler;Valerie Trierweiler
  1. 瓦莱丽在排球、篮球和曲棍球三个项目上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。

    Valerie earned letters in three sports : volleyball , basketball , and field hockey .

  2. 今天我将采访社会心理学家、哥伦比亚大学教授瓦莱丽-珀迪-格林纳威(ValeriePurdie-Greenaway)。

    Now I will be speaking with Valerie Purdie-Greenaway , social psychologist and Columbia University professor .

  3. 伊夫•圣•洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)的首席执行官瓦莱丽•赫尔曼(ValerieHermann)为古老的法国时尚殿堂带来了光明。

    Valerie Hermann , chief executive of Yves Saint Laurent , has brought light to the venerable French fashion house .

  4. 巴黎法官裁决,明星周刊VSD因侵犯了瓦莱丽的隐私权和肖像权,需赔偿她2000欧元。

    A Paris judge ordered celebrity weekly VSD to pay President Franois Hollande 's partner 2,000 euros for breaching her privacy and image rights .

  5. 阿什里奇管理学院负责英国外交部发展计划的客户主管瓦莱丽•沃克(ValerieWark)表示,在实行该计划的7年中,人们对课程的态度发生了明显改变。

    Over the seven years of the scheme , attitudes of people on the programmes have changed dramatically , says Valerie Wark , client director for the FCO development programme at Ashridge .

  6. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia)心理学助理教授瓦莱丽・珀迪・沃格恩斯(ValeriePurdie-Vaughns)称:“学业成绩70%与知识和学习有关,另外30%是心理因素。”沃格恩斯曾与他人共同撰写有关心理干预的研究论文。

    Academic performance is about 70 % knowledge and studying , and 30 % is the psychological piece , ' says Valerie Purdie-Vaughns , an assistant professor of psychology at Columbia who has co-authored research on interventions .

  7. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia)心理学助理教授瓦莱丽12539;珀迪12539;沃格恩斯(ValeriePurdie-Vaughns)称:学业成绩70%与知识和学习有关,另外30%是心理因素。沃格恩斯曾与他人共同撰写有关心理干预的研究论文。

    ' Academic performance is about 70 % knowledge and studying , and 30 % is the psychological piece , ' says Valerie Purdie-Vaughns , an assistant professor of psychology at Columbia who has co-authored research on interventions .

  8. 当瓦莱丽工作到很晚时,卡尔总是步行送她回家。

    When Valerie worked late , Carl always walked her home .

  9. 瓦莱丽才不嫉妒我她可怜我

    Valerie wasn 't jealous of me . She pitied me .

  10. 拜托瓦莱丽我不是外人

    Oh , Valerie , come on . It 's me .

  11. 瓦莱丽:我们本该那样做,但我们没有。

    Valerie : That 's what we should have done .

  12. 你好我是比尔·哈蒙公司的瓦莱丽

    Hello , this is Valerie calling from Bill Harmon 's office .

  13. 正如瓦莱丽-贾勒特(另一位嘉宾,白宫高级顾问)所说,现在的情况复杂。

    So it 's a combination , as Valerie said .

  14. 只有瓦莱丽管理公司的时候,我才有安全感。

    I only feel safe with Valerie at the wheel .

  15. 然而,法官依照司法程序驳回了瓦莱丽的起诉。

    The judge , though , dismissed the suit on jurisdictional grounds .

  16. 为毛瓦莱丽就看不到他们的这一面呢

    Why the hell couldn 't Valerie have seen them like that ?

  17. 你好,瓦莱丽,感谢你来到我们节目。

    Hello , Valerie , thank you for being here .

  18. 瓦莱丽:我明白,还有更多。

    Valerie : I know and there 's more .

  19. 瓦莱丽:准备一场演讲并不那么难。

    Valery : It 's not that hard to plan out a speech .

  20. 去见我的好朋友瓦莱丽

    I 'm going to meet my friend Valerie .

  21. 瓦莱丽的母亲想告诉罗琳,《哈利·波特》深深的触动了他们的家庭。

    Valerie wanted Rowling to know how much the books had touched their family .

  22. 瓦莱丽的身体是用爱铸造。

    Valerie had a body made for love .

  23. 这一直是非常有价值的,瓦莱丽。

    This has been so valuable , Valerie .

  24. 一想到瓦莱丽会得到

    The thought of Valerie getting the one job

  25. 维克托和瓦莱丽是他的父母。

    Victor and Valerie are his parents .

  26. 我需要再见一次瓦莱丽。

    I need to see Valerie again .

  27. 让我们请瓦莱丽上台。

    So let 's bring on Valerie .

  28. 瓦莱丽:我们的网站受到黑客攻击,人们不能访问它。

    Valerie : Our website was attacked by hackers , and nobody could access it .

  29. 这是瓦莱丽?吉诺。

    And this is Valerie genaux .

  30. 瓦莱丽:你永远也猜不到上周末发生了什么事。比尔:什么事?

    Valerie : You 'll never guess what happened over the weekend . Bill : What ?