
  1. 广州马克公司供应链模式下的采购管理

    Guangzhou Mak Company 's Purchasing Management Based on the Supply Chain Model

  2. 对霍尔马克公司来说,所谓“何处”是“到处都是”。

    For hallmark ," where they have to be " is everywhere .

  3. 从时髦的“鞋盒”短笺到令人深思的“悄悄话”贺卡,霍尔马克公司的产品包罗了个人信息联系的全部形式。

    From the sassy " Shoebox " line to meditative " Between you and Me " cards , Hallmark covers the gamut in personal messages .

  4. 在老霍尔的领导下,霍尔马克公司得以和诺曼·罗克韦尔,帕布罗·毕加索,乔治亚·奥基夫以及萨尔瓦多·达利这样一流的艺术家签订了合同。

    Under the elder Hall 's leadership , hallmark landed contracts with artists such AS Norman Rockwell , Pablo PicASso , Georgia O'Keefe and Salvador Dali .

  5. 然而,尽管如此,五年以前霍尔马克公司的经理们还是受到了挫折。公司的利润令人失望,不能对市场作出快速反应,是该进行全面改组的时候了。

    Still , five years ago , Hallmark executives were frustrated by disappointing profits and what seemed to be an inability to respond quickly enough to the marketplace .

  6. 你了解马克西德公司的情况吗?

    M : Have you heard anything about Markheed Inc. ?

  7. 霍尔马克贺卡公司的一轮新牌

    A New Deal At Hallmark Cards

  8. 是这样,首先,马克西德公司是本领域声誉最好的公司之一.

    F : Well , to start with , Markheed Inc. has a reputation for being one of the best empoyers in the field .

  9. 你了解马克西德公司的情况吗?他们打电话要我去参加面试,我在考虑接受他们的工作。

    Have you heard anything about Markheed Inc. ? They have called me back for interview , and I 'm considering taking a job with them .

  10. 当等待马克对公司的合同提案做决定时,总裁用两张百老汇的演出票来“贿赂”他。

    While waiting for Mark 's decision on the company 's contract offer , the CEO sent him two tickets to a Broadway show as a douceur .

  11. KOC的西部科威特评估组和哈里伯顿兰德马克绘图国际公司联合油藏工程师和地球学家组成一个小组。

    A joint team of reservoir engineers and geoscientists was formed from KOC 's West Kuwait Asset Team and Halliburton 's Landmark group .

  12. 例句马克现在负责管理公司的所有业务,因为他刚被任命为公司的首席执行官。

    Mark is in the driving seat now that he has been appointed CEO of the company .

  13. 我问马克是否知道苹果公司负责Siri语言开发的人是否在做这方面的努力。

    I asked Mr. Mark if he knew whether any of the people who worked on Siri 's language development at Apple were on the spectrum .

  14. 不过即便苹果能够按照目前的股价给Facebook的股东支付100%的溢价,考虑到马克?扎克伯格在公司的表决控制权,收购也绝不可能发生。我打赌,当然,苹果不会做以上任何事情。

    But even though Apple could offer Facebook ( FB ) shareholders a 100 % premium over the current stock price , obviously this one is never going to happen given Mark Zuckerberg 's voting control of the company.My bet , of course , is that Apple does none of these things .

  15. 马克莫里,尼达姆公司的分析家,对Riquent(里康)比较有信心,在5月中旬,他以9美元买入LJP的股票。

    Mark Monane , analyst with Needham & Co. , was more sanguine about Riquent , rating LJP at " buy " with a $ 9 price target in mid-May .

  16. 在爱德华多女友的安排下,爱德华多和马克与纳普斯特公司的创始人之一肖恩•帕克见面。

    Through Eduardo 's girlfriend , Eduardo and Mark arrange a meeting with Napster co-founder Sean Parker .